Source code for openalea.oalab.plugins.r

# -*- python -*-
#       R Manager applet
#       OpenAlea.OALab: Multi-Paradigm GUI
#       Copyright 2013 INRIA - CIRAD - INRA
#       File author(s): Julien Coste <>
#       File contributor(s):
#       Distributed under the Cecill-C License.
#       See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#       OpenAlea WebSite :
__revision__ = ""

from openalea.oalab.editor.text_editor import RichTextEditor as Editor
from openalea.oalab.editor.highlight import Highlighter
[docs]class RApplet(object): default_name = "R" default_file_name = "script.r" pattern = "*.r" extension = "r" icon = ":/images/resources/RLogo.png" def __init__(self, session, controller, parent=None, name="script.R", script=""): super(RApplet, self).__init__() self._widget = Editor(session=session, controller=controller, parent=parent) Highlighter(self._widget.editor) self._widget.applet = self self.session = session self.controller = controller = name self._step = None self._animate = None self._init = None # TODO : Do it only once"%load_ext rmagic", hidden=True) self.widget().set_text(script)
[docs] def focus_change(self): """ Set doc string in Help widget when focus changed """ txt = """ <H1><IMG SRC=%s ALT="icon" HEIGHT=25 WIDTH=25 TITLE="R logo">R language</H1> more informations: """%str(self.icon) self.controller.applets['HelpWidget'].setText(txt)
[docs] def widget(self): """ :return: the edition widget """ return self._widget
[docs] def run_selected_part(self): code = self.widget().get_selected_text() if len(code) == 0: code = self.widget().get_text() code = """%%R """ + code interp = user_ns = self.session.interpreter.user_ns interp.runcode(code)
[docs] def run(self): code = self.widget().get_text() code = """%%R """ + code interp = user_ns = self.session.interpreter.user_ns interp.runcode(code) self._init = user_ns.get("init") if not callable(self._init): self._init = None self._step = user_ns.get("step") if not callable(self._step): self._step = None self._animate = user_ns.get("animate") if not callable(self._animate): self._animate = None if self._step : def animate(): for i in range(5): self._step() self._animate = animate
[docs] def step(self): # TODO : get function from the current widget! if self._step: self._step() #print "step python"
[docs] def stop(self): # TODO : to implement # print "stop python" pass
[docs] def animate(self): # TODO : get function from the current widget! if self._animate: self._animate() # print "animate python"
[docs] def reinit(self): # TODO : get function from the current widget! if self._init: self._init() #print "re-init python"