Source code for openalea.vpltk.catalog.interfaces

# -*- python -*-
#       Plugin System for vpltk
#       OpenAlea.VPLTk: Virtual Plants Lab Toolkit
#       Copyright 2013 INRIA - CIRAD - INRA
#       File author(s): Guillaume Baty <>
#       File contributor(s):
#       Distributed under the Cecill-C License.
#       See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#       OpenAlea WebSite :

from openalea.vpltk.catalog.interface import IInterface

[docs]class IRegister(IInterface): """ dictionary of adapters """
[docs]class ICatalog(IInterface): """ ICatalog is a meta plugin manager. It is used to discover all plugins and especially interfaces. Properties : * plugin_types = ('wralea', 'plugin', 'adapters', 'interfaces') * groups : list all entry_point groups found on this system * managers : list of PluginManager currently used. At launch, only plugin manager (generic place) and interface manager are defined. """
[docs] def interface(self, name): """ Returns interface class associated to name """
[docs] def interface_id(self, interface): """ Returns name of "interface" class """
[docs] def interfaces(self, obj=None): """ Returns list of all interface names. If obj is defined, returns list of names of interfaces implemented by this object. """
[docs] def is_implementation(self, obj, interface): """ Returns True if obj implements interface. :param interface: Interface class or name """
[docs] def factories(self, interfaces=None, name=None, tags=None, exclude_tags=None): """ Returns all factories matching given criteria. exclude_tags: if tags is not specified, scan all tags except one defined in exclude_tags """
[docs] def factory(self, interfaces=None, name=None, tags=None, exclude_tags=None): """ Returns first factory matching given criteria. """
[docs] def create_service(self, object_factory, *args, **kargs): """ Create a service from object_factory. If object_factory is None, returns None. If this factory is called for the first time, instantiate it with args and kargs. Else, use previous instance. """
[docs] def service(self, interfaces=None, name=None, tags=None, exclude_tags=None, args=None, kargs=None): """ Returns first service matching given criteria. """
[docs] def services(self, interfaces=None, name=None, tags=None, exclude_tags=None, args=None, kargs=None): """ Returns all services matching given criteria. """