Source code for core.graph.interface.treeconcept

"""Tree Concept."""

from graphconcept import * #IGNORE:W0614

[docs]class RootedTreeConcept(VertexListGraphConcept): """Rooted Tree interface. depth(vid), depth() and sub_tree(vid) can be extenal algorithms. """
[docs] def set_root(self, vtx_id): """ Set the tree root. :param vtx_id: The vertex identifier. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_root(self): """ Return the tree root. :returns: vertex identifier """ raise NotImplementedError
root = property( get_root, set_root )
[docs] def parent(self, vtx_id): """ Return the parent of `vtx_id`. :param vtx_id: The vertex identifier. :returns: vertex identifier """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def children(self, vtx_id): """ Return a vertex iterator :param vtx_id: The vertex identifier. :returns: iter of vertex identifier """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def nb_children(self, vtx_id): """ Return the number of children :param vtx_id: The vertex identifier. :rtype: int """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def siblings(self, vtx_id): """ Return an iterator of vtx_id siblings. vtx_id is not include in siblings. :param vtx_id: The vertex identifier. :returns: iter of vertex identifier """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def nb_siblings(self, vtx_id): """ Return the number of siblings :returns: int """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def is_leaf(self, vtx_id): """ Test if `vtx_id` is a leaf. :returns: bool """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class OrderedTreeConcept(RootedTreeConcept): """ An ordered tree is a rooted tree where an order relation is defined between chidren. """
[docs] def first_child(self, vid): """ Return the first child of vid :param vid: The vertex identifier. :returns: vid """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def last_child(self, vid): """ Return the last child of vid :param vid: The vertex identifier. :returns: vid """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def previous_sibling(self, vid): """ Return previous sibling :param vid: The vertex identifier. :returns: vid """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def next_sibling(self, vid): """ Return next sibling :param vid: The vertex identifier. :returns: vid """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class MutableTreeConcept(RootedTreeConcept, MutableVertexGraphConcept): """ A mutable rooted tree. The substitute method is defined outside the interface. substitute(self,vid,tree) """
[docs] def add_child(self, parent, child ): """ Add a child at the end of children :param parent: The parent identifier. :param child: The child identifier. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def insert_sibling(self, vid1, vid2): """ Insert vid2 before vid1. :param vid1: a vertex identifier :param vid2: the vertex to insert """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def insert_parent(self, vtx_id, parent_id): """ Insert parent_id between vtx_id and its actual parent. :param vtx_id: a vertex identifier :param parent_id: a vertex identifier """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class EditableTreeConcept(MutableTreeConcept):
[docs] def sub_tree(self, vtx_id): """ Return a reference of the tree rooted on `vtx_id` in O(1). :returns: Editable Tree """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def insert_sibling_tree(self, vid, tree ): """ Insert a tree before the vid. vid and the root of the tree are siblings. Complexity have to be O(1) if tree comes from the actual tree ( tree= sef.sub_tree() ) :param vid: vertex identifier :param tree: a rooted tree """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def add_child_tree(self, parent, tree): """ Add a tree after the children of the parent vertex. Complexity have to be O(1) if tree == sub_tree() :param parent: vertex identifier :param tree: a rooted tree """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]def traverse_tree(tree, vtx_id, visitor): """ Traverse a tree in a prefix or postfix way. We call a visitor for each vertex. This is usefull for printing, cmputing or storing vertices in a specific order. See boost.graph. """ visitor.pre_order(vtx_id) sons = tree.children(vtx_id) for v in sons: traverse_tree(tree, v, visitor) visitor.post_order(vtx_id)
[docs]class Visitor(object): """ Used during a tree traversal. """
[docs] def pre_order(self, vtx_id): """todo""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def post_order(self, vtx_id): """todo""" raise NotImplementedError