Source code for core.interpreter

from openalea.vpltk.check.ipython import has_ipython
import sys

def get_interpreter_class():
[docs] """ :return: the interpreter class to instantiate the shell """ try: from openalea.core.interpreter.ipython import Interpreter except ImportError: from openalea.core.interpreter.python import Interpreter else: from openalea.core.interpreter import adapt_interpreter adapt_interpreter(Interpreter) return Interpreter from openalea.core.util import warn_deprecated
def get_interpreter():
[docs] warn_deprecated(__name__ + ".get_interpreter", __name__ + 'interpreter', (2014, 10, 8)) from openalea.oalab.session.session import Session if Session.instantiated: return Session().interpreter else: interpreter_ = None try: from IPython.core.getipython import get_ipython interpreter_ = get_ipython() except(ImportError, NameError): pass if not interpreter_: interpreter_ = get_interpreter_class()() if interpreter_: return interpreter_ def _interpreter_class():
try: from openalea.core.interpreter.ipython import Interpreter except ImportError: from code import InteractiveInterpreter return Interpreter def adapt_interpreter(ip):
[docs] def loadcode(self, source=None, namespace=None): """ Load 'source' and use 'namespace' if it is in parameter. Else use locals. :param source: text (string) to load :param namespace: dict to use to execute the source """ if namespace is not None: exec source in namespace else: exec source in self.locals, self.locals def runsource(self, source=None, filename="<input>", symbol="single"): try: return self.run_code(source) except: code = compile(source, filename, symbol) if code is not None: return self.run_code(code) def runcode(self, source=None): return self.run_code(source) ip.locals = ip.user_ns ip.runcode = runcode ip.runsource = runsource ip.loadcode = loadcode if not hasattr(ip, 'shell'): = ip return ip