Source code for core.pkgmanager

# -*- python -*-
#       OpenAlea.Core
#       Copyright 2006-2009 INRIA - CIRAD - INRA
#       File author(s): Samuel Dufour-Kowalski <>
#                       Christophe Pradal <>
#       Distributed under the Cecill-C License.
#       See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#       OpenAlea WebSite :

"""This module defines the package manager.

It is able to find installed package and their
It stores the packages and nodes informations

__license__ = "Cecill-C"
__revision__ = " $Id$ "

import sys
import os
from os.path import join as pj
from os.path import isdir

import tempfile
import urlparse
from openalea.core.path import path
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from pkg_resources import iter_entry_points

from openalea.core.singleton import Singleton
from import Observed
from openalea.core.package import (Package, UserPackage, PyPackageReader,
                                   PyPackageReaderWralea, PyPackageReaderVlab)
from openalea.core.settings import get_userpkg_dir, Settings
from openalea.core.pkgdict import PackageDict, is_protected, protected
from openalea.core.category import PackageManagerCategory
from openalea.core import logger

from ConfigParser import NoSectionError, NoOptionError

# Exceptions

import time
DEBUG = False

[docs]class UnknowFileType(Exception): pass
[docs]class UnknownPackageError (Exception): def __init__(self, name): Exception.__init__(self) self.message = "Cannot find package : %s" % (name) def __str__(self): return self.message
[docs]class IllFormedUrlError (Exception): def __init__(self, url): Exception.__init__(self) self.message = "Url is ill-formed : %s" % (url) def __str__(self): return self.message ############################################################################### # Logging
pmanLogger = logger.get_logger(__name__) logger.connect_loggers_to_handlers(pmanLogger, logger.get_handler_names())
[docs]class Logger(object): """ OpenAlea logging class """ def __init__(self): self.log_index = 0 self.log_file = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "openalea.log") f = open(self.log_file, 'w') f.write("OpenAlea Log\n\n") f.close()
[docs] def add(self, msg): """ Write to log file """ f = open(self.log_file, 'a') f.write("%i %s\n" % (self.log_index, msg)) f.close() self.log_index += 1 pmanLogger.debug(msg)
[docs] def print_log(self): """ Print log file """ f = open(self.log_file) print f.close() ###############################################################################
[docs]class PackageManager(Observed): """ The PackageManager is a Dictionary of Packages It can locate OpenAlea packages on the system (with wralea). """ __metaclass__ = Singleton def __init__(self, verbose=True): """ Constructor """ Observed.__init__(self) self.log = Logger() # make urlparse correctly handle the glorious "oa" protocol :) urlparse.uses_query.append("oa") self.verbose = verbose # remove namespace option # self.include_namespace = self.get_include_namespace() # save system path self.old_syspath = sys.path[:] # dictionnary of packages self.pkgs = PackageDict() # dictionnary of category self.category = PseudoGroup("") # dictionary of standard categories self.user_category = PackageManagerCategory() # list of path to search wralea file related to the system self.user_wralea_path = set() self.sys_wralea_path = set() # for packages that we don't want to save in the config file self.temporary_wralea_paths = set() # Compute system and user PATH to look for packages self.set_user_wralea_path() self.set_sys_wralea_path()
[docs] def emit_update(self): self.notify_listeners("update") # def get_include_namespace(self): # """ Read user config and return include namespace status """ # config = Settings() # # include namespace # try: # s = config.get("pkgmanager", "include_namespace") # self.include_namespace = bool(eval(s)) # except: # self.include_namespace = False # return self.include_namespace
[docs] def get_wralea_path(self): """ return the list of wralea path (union of user and system)""" dirs = list(self.temporary_wralea_paths.union(self.sys_wralea_path.union(self.user_wralea_path))) dirs = filter(isdir, dirs) return dirs
[docs] def set_user_wralea_path(self): """ Read user config """ if self.user_wralea_path: return if not SEARCH_OUTSIDE_ENTRY_POINTS: return self.user_wralea_path = set() config = Settings() l = [] # wralea path try: s = config.get("pkgmanager", "path") l = eval(s) except NoSectionError: config.add_section("pkgmanager") config.add_option("pkgmanager", "path", str([])) except NoOptionError: config.add_option("pkgmanager", "path", str([])) for p in l: self.add_wralea_path(os.path.abspath(p), self.user_wralea_path)
[docs] def write_config(self): """ Write user config """ config = Settings() config.set("pkgmanager", "path", repr(list(self.user_wralea_path))) # config.set("pkgmanager", "include_namespace", repr(self.include_namespace)) config.write()
[docs] def set_sys_wralea_path(self): """ Define the default wralea search path For that, we look for "wralea" entry points and deprecated_wralea entry point if a package is declared as deprecated_wralea, the module is not load """ if self.sys_wralea_path: return self.sys_wralea_path = set() self.deprecated_pkg = set() if DEBUG: res = {} # Use setuptools entry_point for epoint in iter_entry_points("wralea"): # Get Deprecated packages if self.verbose: pmanLogger.debug( + " " + epoint.module_name) if(epoint.module_name == "deprecated"): self.deprecated_pkg.add( continue # base = epoint.dist.location # m = epoint.module_name.split('.') # p = os.path.join(base, *m) # Be careful, this lines will import and all its predecessor # to find the path. if DEBUG: print(epoint.module_name) t1 = time.clock() try: m = __import__(epoint.module_name, fromlist=epoint.module_name) except ImportError, e: logger.error("Cannot load %s : %s" % (epoint.module_name, e)) # self.log.add("Cannot load %s : %s"%(epoint.module_name, e)) continue if DEBUG: print(epoint.module_name) tn = time.clock() - t1 res[tn] = epoint.module_name l = list(m.__path__) for p in l: p = os.path.abspath(p)"Wralea entry point: %s (%s) " % (epoint.module_name, p)) # self.log.add("Wralea entry point: %s (%s) "%(epoint.module_name, p)) self.add_wralea_path(p, self.sys_wralea_path) # Search the path based on the old method (by hand). # Search in openalea namespace # if(self.include_namespace): # l = list(openalea.__path__) # for p in l : # self.add_wralea_path(p, self.sys_wralea_path) if SEARCH_OUTSIDE_ENTRY_POINTS: self.add_wralea_path(os.path.dirname(__file__), self.sys_wralea_path) self.add_wralea_path(get_userpkg_dir(), self.sys_wralea_path) if DEBUG: return res
[docs] def init(self, dirname=None, verbose=True): """ Initialize package manager If dirname is None, find wralea files on the system else load directory If verbose is False, don't print any output """ # output redirection if(not verbose): sysout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, 'w') try: if (not dirname): self.find_and_register_packages() else: self.load_directory(dirname) finally: if(not verbose): sys.stdout.close() sys.stdout = sysout
[docs] def reload(self, pkg=None): """ Reload one or all packages. If the package `pkg` is None reloa all the packages. Else reload only `pkg`. """ if(not pkg): self.clear() self.find_and_register_packages(no_cache=True) for p in self.pkgs.values(): p.reload() else: pkg.reload() self.load_directory(pkg.path) self.notify_listeners("update")
[docs] def clear(self): """ Remove all packages """ self.user_wralea_path = set() self.sys_wralea_path = set() self.pkgs = PackageDict() self.recover_syspath() self.category = PseudoGroup('Root') # Path Functions
[docs] def add_wralea_path(self, path, container): """ Add a search path for wralea files :param path: a path string :param container: set containing the path """ if not os.path.isdir(path): return # Ensure to add a non existing path for p in container: common = os.path.commonprefix((p, path)) # the path is already in wralepath if (common == p and os.path.join(common, path[len(common):]) == path): return # the new path is more generic, we keep it if(common == path and os.path.join(common, p[len(common):]) == p): container.remove(p) container.add(path) return # the path is absent container.add(path)
[docs] def recover_syspath(self): """ Restore the initial sys path """ sys.path = self.old_syspath[:] # Accessors
[docs] def add_package(self, package): """ Add a package to the pkg manager """ # Test if the package is deprecated if in self.deprecated_pkg: logger.warning("Deprecated : Ignoring %s" % ( del(package) return self[package.get_id()] = package self.update_category(package)
[docs] def get_pseudo_pkg(self): """ Return a pseudopackage structure """ pt = PseudoPackage('Root') # Build the name tree (on uniq objects) for k, v in self.pkgs.iteritems(): if(not is_protected(k)): pt.add_name(k, v) return pt
[docs] def get_pseudo_cat(self): """ Return a pseudo category structure """ return self.category # Category management
[docs] def update_category(self, package): """ Update the category dictionary with package contents """ for nf in package.itervalues(): # skip the deprecated name (starting with #) if is_protected( continue # empty category if not nf.category: nf.category = "Unclassified" # parse the category for c in nf.category.split(","): # we work in lower case by convention c = c.strip().lower() # search for the sub category (split by .) try: c_root, c_others = c.split('.', 1) except: # if there is no '.', c_others is empty c_root = c c_others = '' if c_root in self.user_category.keywords: # reconstruct the name of the category c_temp = self.user_category.keywords[c_root] + '.' + c_others.title() self.category.add_name(c_temp, nf) else: self.category.add_name(c.title(), nf)
[docs] def rebuild_category(self): """ Rebuild all the category """ self.category = PseudoGroup('Root') for p in self.pkgs.itervalues(): self.update_category(p) # Wralea functions
[docs] def load_directory(self, dirname): """ Load a directory containing wraleas""" dirname = os.path.abspath(dirname) if(not os.path.exists(dirname) or not os.path.isdir(dirname)): logger.error("Package directory : %s does not exists." % (dirname,)) # self.log.add("Package directory : %s does not exists."%(dirname,)) return None self.add_wralea_path(dirname, self.user_wralea_path) # find wralea readers = self.find_wralea_dir(dirname) if not readers:"Search Vlab objects.") # self.log.add("Search Vlab objects.") readers = self.find_vlab_dir(dirname) ret = None for r in readers: if r: ret = r.register_packages(self) else: logger.error("Unable to load package %s." % (dirname,)) # self.log.add("Unable to load package %s."%(dirname, )) ret = None if(readers): # self.save_cache() self.rebuild_category() return ret
[docs] def find_vlab_dir(self, directory, recursive=True): """ Find in a directory vlab specification file. Search recursivly is recursive is True :return: a list of pkgreader instances """ spec_files = set() if(not os.path.isdir(directory)): logger.error("Not a directory", directory, repr(directory)) # self.log.add("Not a directory", directory, repr(directory)) return [] p = path(directory).abspath() spec_name = '*specifications' # search for if(recursive and SEARCH_OUTSIDE_ENTRY_POINTS): spec_files.update(p.walkfiles(spec_name)) else: spec_files.update(p.glob(spec_name)) for f in spec_files:"Package Manager : found VLAB %s" % p) # self.log.add("Package Manager : found VLAB %s" % p) return map(self.get_pkgreader, spec_files)
[docs] def find_wralea_dir(self, directory, recursive=True): """ Find in a directory wralea files, Search recursivly is recursive is True :return : a list of pkgreader instances """ if DEBUG: t0 = time.clock() wralea_files = set() if(not os.path.isdir(directory)): logger.warning("%s Not a directory" % repr(directory)) # self.log.add("%s Not a directory"%repr(directory)) return [] p = path(directory).abspath() # search for if recursive and SEARCH_OUTSIDE_ENTRY_POINTS: for f in p.walkfiles("*wralea*.py"): wralea_files.add(str(f)) else: wralea_files.update(p.glob("*wralea*.py")) for f in wralea_files:"Package Manager : found %s" % f) # self.log.add("Package Manager : found %s" % f) if DEBUG: t1 = time.clock() dt = t1 - t0 print 'search wralea files takes %f sec' % dt readers = map(self.get_pkgreader, wralea_files) if DEBUG: t2 = time.clock() dt1 = t2 - t1 print 'readers takes %f sec: ' % (dt1,) return readers
[docs] def find_wralea_files(self): """ Find on the system all files :return : a list of pkgreader instances """ readers = [] # try: # # Try to load cache file # directories = set(self.get_cache()) # assert(len(directories)) # recursive = False # except Exception, e: # No cache : search recursively on the disk if DEBUG: # t1 = time.clock() pass directories = self.get_wralea_path() if DEBUG: # print ' ~~~~~~~~~~' # t2 = time.clock() # print ' get_wralea_path %f sec'%(t2-t1) # print '\n'.join(directories) pass recursive = True for wp in directories: #if DEBUG: t0 = time.clock() ret = self.find_wralea_dir(wp, recursive) if(ret): readers += ret if DEBUG: # print ' ~~~~~~~~~~' # t1 = time.clock() # print ' find_wralea %s %f sec'%(wp, t1-t0) pass if DEBUG: # print ' ~~~~~~~~~~' # t3 = time.clock() # print ' find_wralea_dir %f sec'%(t3-t2) pass return readers
[docs] def find_all_wralea(self): """ Find on the system all files :return : a list of file paths """ files = set() directories = self.get_wralea_path() recursive = True if not SEARCH_OUTSIDE_ENTRY_POINTS: recursive = False if recursive: files = set(f.abspath() for p in directories for f in path(p).walkfiles('*wralea*.py')) else: files = set(f.abspath() for p in directories for f in path(p).glob('*wralea*.py')) return files
[docs] def create_readers(self, wralea_files): return filter(None, (self.get_pkgreader(f) for f in wralea_files))
[docs] def get_pkgreader(self, filename): """ Return the pkg reader corresponding to the filename """ reader = None if filename.endswith(""): reader = PyPackageReaderWralea(filename) elif(filename.endswith('')): reader = PyPackageReader(filename) elif(filename.endswith('specifications')): reader = PyPackageReaderVlab(filename) else: return None return reader
[docs] def find_and_register_packages(self, no_cache=False): """ Find all wralea on the system and register them If no_cache is True, ignore cache file """ # if(no_cache): # self.delete_cache() self.set_sys_wralea_path() self.set_user_wralea_path() if DEBUG: t1 = time.clock() wralea_files = self.find_all_wralea() readerlist = self.create_readers(wralea_files) # readerlist = self.find_wralea_files() if DEBUG: t2 = time.clock() print '-------------------' print 'find_wralea_files takes %f seconds' % (t2 - t1) if DEBUG: res = {} for x in readerlist: if DEBUG: tn = time.clock() x.register_packages(self) if DEBUG: tt = time.clock() - tn print 'register package ', x.get_pkg_name(), 'in ', time.clock() - tn res[x.filename]=tt if DEBUG: t3 = time.clock() print '-------------------' print 'register_packages takes %f seconds' % (t3 - t2) # self.save_cache() self.rebuild_category() if DEBUG: return res # Cache functions # def get_cache_filename(self): # """ Return the cache filename """ # return os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), ".alea_pkg_cache") # def save_cache(self): # """ Save in cache current package manager state """ # f = open(self.get_cache_filename(),'w') # s = set([pkg.path + "\n" for pkg in self.pkgs.itervalues()]) # f.writelines(list(s)) # f.close() # def delete_cache(self): # """ Remove cache """ # n = self.get_cache_filename() # if(os.path.exists(n)): # os.remove(n) # def get_cache(self): # """ Return cache contents """ # f = open(self.get_cache_filename(), "r") # for d in f: # d = d.strip() # yield d # f.close() ############################################################################### # Package creation ###############################################################################
[docs] def create_user_package(self, name, metainfo, path=None): """ Create a new package in the user space and register it Return the created package :param path : the directory where to create the package """ if name in self.pkgs: return self.pkgs[name] # Create directory if not path: path = get_userpkg_dir() path = os.path.join(path, name) if not isdir(path): os.mkdir(path) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, "")): # Create new Package and its wralea p = UserPackage(name, metainfo, path) p.write() # Register package self.load_directory(path) self.write_config() p = self.pkgs.get(name) return p
[docs] def get_user_packages(self): """ Return the list of user packages """ return [x for x in self.pkgs.values() if isinstance(x, UserPackage)]
[docs] def rename_package(self, old_name, new_name): """ Rename package 'old_name' to 'new_name' """ self.pkgs[protected(old_name)] = self.pkgs[old_name] self.pkgs[new_name] = self.pkgs[old_name] self.pkgs[old_name].name = new_name if 'alias' in self.pkgs[old_name].metainfo: self.pkgs[old_name].metainfo['alias'].append(old_name) self.pkgs[old_name].write() del(self.pkgs[old_name]) self.notify_listeners("update") ############################################################################### # Dictionnary behaviour
def __getitem__(self, key): try: return self.pkgs[key] except KeyError: raise UnknownPackageError(key) def __setitem__(self, key, val): self.pkgs[key] = val self.notify_listeners("update") def __len__(self): return len(self.pkgs) def __delitem__(self, item): r = self.pkgs.__delitem__(item) self.rebuild_category() self.notify_listeners("update") return r def __contains__(self, key): return self.has_key(key)
[docs] def keys(self): return self.pkgs.keys()
[docs] def items(self): return self.pkgs.items()
[docs] def values(self): return self.pkgs.values()
[docs] def iterkeys(self): return self.pkgs.iterkeys()
[docs] def iteritems(self): return self.pkgs.iteritems()
[docs] def itervalues(self): return self.pkgs.itervalues()
[docs] def has_key(self, *args): return self.pkgs.has_key(*args)
[docs] def get(self, *args): return self.pkgs.get(*args) # Convenience functions
[docs] def get_node_from_url(self, url): fac = self.get_factory_from_url(url) return fac.instantiate()
[docs] def get_factory_from_url(self, url): """Returns a node instance from the given url. :Parameters: - url - is either a string or a urlparse.ParseResult instance. It is encoded this way: oa://*domain*/*packageName*?fac=*factoryName*&ft=*factoryType* . "oa" means that it is meant to be used by openalea. "domain" MUST BE "local" for now. "packageName" is the name of the package "factoryName" is the of factory "factoryType" is one of {"CompositeNodeFactory", "NodeFactory", "DataFactory"} """ pkg, queries = self.get_package_from_url(url) # url.path.strip("/") #the path is preceded by one "/" if "fac" not in queries: raise IllFormedUrlError(url.geturl()) factory_id = queries["fac"][0] factory = pkg[factory_id.strip("/")] return factory
[docs] def get_package_from_url(self, url): if isinstance(url, str): url = urlparse.urlparse(url) assert isinstance(url, urlparse.ParseResult) queries = urlparse.parse_qs(url.query) pkg_id = url.path.strip("/") # the path is preceded by one "/" pkg = self[pkg_id] return pkg, queries
[docs] def get_node(self, pkg_id, factory_id): """ Return a node instance giving a pkg_id and a factory_id """ pkg = self[pkg_id] factory = pkg[factory_id] return factory.instantiate()
[docs] def search_node(self, search_str, nb_inputs=-1, nb_outputs=-1): """ Return a list of Factory corresponding to search_str If nb_inputs or nb_outputs is specified, return only node with the same number of (in/out) ports The results are sorted in the following way: 1 - Highest Priority : presence of search_str in factory name and position in the name (closer to the begining = higher score) 2 - Then : Number of occurences of search_str in the factory description. 3 - Then : Number of occurences of search_str in the category name 4 - Finally : presence of search_str in package name and position in the name (close to the begining = higher score) """ search_str = search_str.upper() match = [] # Search for each package and for each factory for name, pkg in self.iteritems(): if is_protected(name): continue # alias for fname, factory in pkg.iteritems(): if is_protected(fname): continue # alias # -- The scores for each string that is explored. # They are long ints because we make a 96 bits bitshift # to compute the final score -- facNameScore = 0L facDescScore = 0L facCateScore = 0L pkgNameScore = 0L fname = if search_str in fname: l = float(len(fname)) facNameScore = long(100 * (1 - fname.index(search_str) / l)) facDescScore = long(factory.description.upper().count(search_str)) facCateScore = long(factory.category.upper().count(search_str)) pname = if search_str in pname: l = float(len(pname)) pkgNameScore = long(100 * (1 - pname.index(search_str) / l)) score = (facNameScore << (32 * 3) | facDescScore << (32 * 2) | facCateScore << (32 * 1) | pkgNameScore << (32)) if score > 0: match.append((score, factory)) # Filter ports if(nb_inputs >= 0): match = filter(lambda (sc, x): x and x.inputs and len(x.inputs) == nb_inputs, match) if(nb_outputs >= 0): match = filter(lambda (sc, x): x and x.outputs and len(x.outputs) == nb_outputs, match) if not len(match): return match match.sort(reverse=True) match = zip(*match)[1] return match #################################################################################### # Methods to introspect globally the PkgManager ####################################################################################
[docs] def get_packages(self, pkg_name=None): """ Return all public packages. """ if pkg_name and is_protected(pkg_name): pkg_name = None if pkg_name and pkg_name in self: pkgs = [pkg_name] else: pkgs = set( for pk in self.itervalues() if not is_protected( return [self[p] for p in pkgs]
[docs] def get_data(self, pattern='*.*', pkg_name=None, as_paths=False): """ Return all data that match the pattern. """ pkgs = self.get_packages(pkg_name) datafiles = [ (pj(p.path, if as_paths else f) for p in pkgs for f in p.itervalues() if( not is_protected( and f.is_data() and fnmatch(, pattern))] return datafiles
[docs] def get_composite_nodes(self, pkg_name=None): pkgs = self.get_packages(pkg_name) cn = [f for p in pkgs for f in p.itervalues() if f.is_composite_node()] return cn
[docs] def get_nodes(self, pkg_name=None): pkgs = self.get_packages(pkg_name) nf = [f for p in pkgs for f in p.itervalues() if f.is_node()] return nf
def _dependencies(self, factory): f = factory if not f.is_composite_node(): return for p, n in f.elt_factory.values(): if is_protected(p) or is_protected(n): continue try: fact = self[p][n] except: # print p, n continue yield fact for df in self._dependencies(fact): yield df def _missing_dependencies(self, factory, l=[]): f = factory if not f.is_composite_node(): return for p, n in f.elt_factory.values(): if is_protected(p) or is_protected(n): continue try: fact = self[p][n] except: l.append((p, n)) continue yield fact for df in self._missing_dependencies(fact, l): yield df def _missing(self, factory, l=[]): list(self._missing_dependencies(factory, l)) return l
[docs] def missing_dependencies(self, package_or_factory=None): """ Return all the dependencies of a package or a factory. """ f = package_or_factory if f is None: return self._all_missing_dependencies() if isinstance(f, Package): return self._missing_pkg_dependencies(f) else: return self._missing_cn_dependencies(f)
[docs] def dependencies(self, package_or_factory=None): """ Return all the dependencies of a package or a factory. """ f = package_or_factory if f is None: return self._all_dependencies() if isinstance(f, Package): return self._pkg_dependencies(f) else: return self._cn_dependencies(f)
def _all_dependencies(self): d = {} for pkg in self.get_packages(): m = self._pkg_dependencies(pkg) if m: d[] = m return d def _pkg_dependencies(self, package): cns = [f for f in package.itervalues() if f.is_composite_node()] factories = set( (, for cn_factory in cns for f in self._dependencies(cn_factory) if != return sorted(factories) def _cn_dependencies(self, factory): factories = set((, for f in self._dependencies(factory)) return sorted(factories) def _all_missing_dependencies(self): d = {} for pkg in self.get_packages(): m = self._missing_pkg_dependencies(pkg) if m: d[] = m return d def _missing_pkg_dependencies(self, package): cns = [f for f in package.itervalues() if f.is_composite_node()] l = [] for cn in cns: self._missing(cn, l) factories = set(l) if factories: return sorted(factories) return None def _missing_cn_dependencies(self, factory): l = [] factories = set(self._missing(factory, l)) if factories: return sorted(factories) return None
[docs] def who_use(self, factory_name): """ Search who use a package or a factory return a list of factory. """ res = [] for pkg in self.get_packages(): cns = [f for f in pkg.itervalues() if f.is_composite_node()] res.extend( (, for cn in cns for pname, name in self._cn_dependencies(cn) if name == factory_name) return res
[docs]def cmp_name(x, y): """ Comparison function """ return cmp(,
[docs]class PseudoGroup(PackageDict): """ Data structure used to separate dotted naming (packages, category) """ sep = '.' # Separator mimetype = "openalea/package" def __init__(self, name): """ Name is the pseudo package name """ PackageDict.__init__(self) = name self.item = None
[docs] def new(self, name): """todo""" return PseudoGroup(name)
[docs] def get_id(self): """todo""" return
[docs] def get_tip(self): """todo""" return
[docs] def add_name(self, name, value): """ Add a value in the structure with the key name_tuple """ if(not name): # if value is a dict we include sub nodes self.item = value try: for k, v in value.iteritems(): self[k] = v except: try: self[str(id(value))] = value except Exception, e: print e pass return splitted = name.split(self.sep, 1) key = splitted[0] if(len(splitted) > 1): remain = splitted[1] else: remain = None # Create sub dict if necessary if not dict.has_key(self, key.lower()): self[key] = try: self[key].add_name(remain, value) except Exception, e: print 'Package %s[%s]' % (, name) print e try: self[str(id(key))].add_name(remain, value) except Exception, e: print 'Unable to find these nodes: %s' % value print e pass
[docs]class PseudoPackage(PseudoGroup): """ Package structure used to separate dotted naming (packages, category) """
[docs] def new(self, name): """todo""" return PseudoPackage(name)
[docs] def is_real_package(self): """todo""" return self.item is not None
[docs] def get_tip(self): """todo""" if self.item: return self.item.get_tip() return "Sub Package : %s" % (,)
[docs] def get_metainfo(self, key): """todo""" if(self.item): return self.item.get_metainfo(key) return ""