Source code for core.plugin.formatting.text

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -*- python -*-
#       Copyright 2015 INRIA - CIRAD - INRA
#       File author(s): Guillaume Baty <>
#       File contributor(s):
#       Distributed under the Cecill-C License.
#       See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at

from openalea.core.plugin.plugin import plugin_name

[docs]def format_author(author, key=None, **kwds): show_all = kwds.get('show_all', False) fmt_author = '' if isinstance(author, dict): name = author.get('name') # Case only team is defined. Means author is a team team = author.get('team') if name is None and team: name = '[Team] %s' % team # Email if kwds.get('show_email', show_all) is True: email = author.get('email') else: email = None if email: fmt_author = u'%s <%s>' % (name, email) else: fmt_author = name # Employer / Team employer = author.get('employer', None) team = author.get('team', None) if (employer and kwds.get('show_employerl', show_all)) or (team and kwds.get('show_team', show_all)): fmt_author += '[' if employer and kwds.get('show_employer', show_all): fmt_author += 'Employer: %s' % (', '.join(employer)) if team and kwds.get('show_team', show_all): fmt_author += ' Team: %s' % ', '.join(team) fmt_author += ']' # Note note = author.get('note') if note and kwds.get('show_note', show_all): fmt_author += ' (%s)' % note else: fmt_author = unicode(author) return fmt_author
[docs]def format_str(value, encoding='utf-8'): if isinstance(value, list): return u', '.join([format_str(v) for v in value]) if isinstance(value, str): return value.decode(encoding) else: return unicode(value)
[docs]def can_display_criterion(criterion, value): if criterion.startswith('_'): return False elif criterion in ('implementation', 'name', 'name_conversion', 'identifier', 'tags', 'implement', 'criteria'): return False return True
[docs]def format_criterion(criterion, value, indent=0): istr = ' ' * indent if criterion == 'authors': s = '%sauthors:\n' % istr for author in value: s += istr + ' - %s (insitute: %s)\n' % (author.get('name', 'Anonymous'), author.get('institute', 'not defined')) return s elif criterion == 'inputs': s = istr + 'f(' params = [] for inp in value: name = inp.get('name', '??') interface = inp.get('interface', '??') default = inp.get('default', '??') params.append('%s:%s=%s' % (name, interface, default)) return s + ', '.join(params) + ')' else: return '%s%s = %s' % (istr, criterion, value)
[docs]def list_plugins(lst, verbose=False): from openalea.core.plugin.manager import PluginManager pm = PluginManager() import pkg_resources from openalea.core.plugin import iter_groups if lst in ['summary', 'all']: prefixes = ['openalea', 'oalab', 'vpltk'] else: prefixes = [lst] for group in sorted(iter_groups()): match = False for prefix in prefixes: if group.startswith(prefix): match = True break if match: eps = [ep for ep in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(group)] if lst == 'summary': print '\n\033[91m%s\033[0m (%d plugins)' % (group, len(eps)) for ep in eps: parts = [str(s) for s in (ep.module_name,] identifier = ':'.join(parts) print ' - %s \033[90m%s (%s)\033[0m' % (, identifier, ep.dist.egg_name()) else: print '\033[44m%s\033[0m' % group UNDEF = 'Not defined' plugin_groups = {UNDEF: []} for plugin in pm.items(group): interface = getattr(plugin, 'implement', None) if interface: plugin_groups.setdefault(interface, []).append(plugin) else: plugin_groups[UNDEF].append(plugin) for group, plugins in plugin_groups.items(): if not plugins: continue print ' implements: \033[91m%s\033[0m' % group plugin_names = {} for plugin in plugins: plugin_names[] = plugin for pl_name in sorted(plugin_names): plugin = plugin_names[pl_name] p_class = plugin.__class__ print ' - \033[93m%s \033[90m%s:%s\033[0m' % (plugin_name(plugin), p_class.__module__, p_class.__name__) if verbose: print ' tags: %s' % ', '.join(plugin.tags) print ' plugin: %s, egg: %s\n path: %s' % (, ep.dist.egg_name(), ep.dist.location) print ' criteria:' for crit_name in sorted(dir(plugin)): if crit_name in ('implementation', '__call__'): continue crit = getattr(plugin, crit_name) if can_display_criterion(crit_name, crit): print format_criterion(crit_name, crit, 10) print print