Source code for image.interpolation.interpolation

# -*- python -*-
#       image: geometric transform filters
#       Copyright 2006-2011 INRIA - CIRAD - INRA
#       File author(s): Eric Moscardi <>
#       Distributed under the Cecill-C License.
#       See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#       OpenAlea WebSite :
This module import functions for Geometric Transformation Filters

__license__= "Cecill-C"
__revision__ = " $Id$ "

import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import geometric_transform, affine_transform, filters
from openalea.image.spatial_image import SpatialImage
from openalea.image.algo.morpho import skiz
from openalea.image.algo.basic import component_gaussian_filter

__all__ = ["resampling"]

def _apply_field(output_coords,tx,ty,tz):
    return (output_coords[0] + tx[output_coords], output_coords[1] + ty[output_coords], output_coords[2] + tz[output_coords])

[docs]def resampling(img, transformation, order=1, output_shape=None, output_voxels=None, mode='constant', cval=0.0, prefilter=True): """ It resamples a 2-D or 3-D image using a 4*4 transformation matrix or a deformation field . The value of a point in the result image is determined by spline interpolation of the requested order. :Parameters: - `img` - `transformation` (array) - Matrix 4x4 or deformation field - `order` (int) - optional order corresponds to the degree of a polynomial used to the spline interpolation By default, order = 1 (linear interpolation) - `output_shape` (tuple) - optional The output shape can optionally be given. By default, it is equal to the input shape - `output_type` (tuple) - optional The output data type can optionally be given. By default, it is equal to the input data type - `output_voxels` (tuple) - optional The output voxels size can optionally be given. By default, it is equal to the input voxels size - `mode` (string) - optional Points outside the boundaries of the input are filled according to the given mode ("constant", "nearest", "reflect" or "wrap") By default, the given mode is "constant" - `prefilter` (boolean) - optional The parameter prefilter determines if the input is pre-filtered before interpolation (necessary for spline interpolation of order > 1) If False it is assumed that the input is already filtered :Returns Type: image resampled by the transformation """ if transformation.shape != (4,4): print('using of a field deformation') _tx = transformation[:,:,:,0] _ty = transformation[:,:,:,1] _tz = transformation[:,:,:,2] _data = geometric_transform(img, _apply_field, extra_arguments = (_tx, _ty, _tz), order=order) _data = SpatialImage(_data,img.resolution) transformation = np.identity(4) else: if not isinstance(img,SpatialImage) : _data = SpatialImage(img) else: _data = img #extraction of the Rotation and Translation matrix (R,t) _R = transformation[0:3,0:3] _t = transformation[0:3,3] #extraction of voxel size of image vx,vy,vz = _data.resolution #creating of output if output_voxels is None: output_voxels = vx,vy,vz vox,voy,voz = output_voxels #scaling matrix #_output_scaling = np.diag([vox,voy,voz]) #_input_scaling = np.diag([1. / vx, 1. / vy, 1. / vz]) #change of basis #R =,, _output_scaling) ) #t =, _t) _output = affine_transform(_data, _R, offset = list(_t), order=order, output_shape=output_shape, mode=mode, cval=cval, prefilter=prefilter) output = SpatialImage(_output, output_voxels) return output
def deformation_field( image, points1, points2, sigma, dtype=np.float64): """ """ vectors = points2-points1 points1 = np.round(points1) del points2 #points2 = np.round(points2) label = skiz(image, points1, vectors) img_vectors = component_gaussian_filter(label,sigma=sigma) del label # create an image with only the vectors at the points otherelse 0 img_vect0 = np.zeros(shape=image.shape+(3,), dtype=dtype) for i, (x,y,z) in enumerate(points1): img_vect0[x,y,z] = vectors[i] img_vect0 = component_gaussian_filter(img_vect0,sigma=sigma, in_place = True) # create an image with only 1 at the points and fit it. img_pt1 = np.zeros(shape=image.shape, dtype=dtype) for x,y,z in points1: img_pt1[x,y,z] = 1 img_pt1 = filters.gaussian_filter(img_pt1,sigma=sigma) # Normalization img_vect0[:,:,:,0] /= img_pt1 img_vect0[:,:,:,1] /= img_pt1 img_vect0[:,:,:,2] /= img_pt1 zero_mask = img_pt1 <1e-6 del img_pt1 masked_vectors = img_vectors[zero_mask] img_vect0[zero_mask] = masked_vectors del masked_vectors, zero_mask img_vect0 = component_gaussian_filter(img_vect0,sigma=sigma, in_place=True) return SpatialImage(img_vect0, image.resolution,vdim=3)