Source code for openalea.oalab.model.parse

# -*- python -*-
#       OpenAlea.OALab: Multi-Paradigm GUI
#       Copyright 2014 INRIA - CIRAD - INRA
#       File author(s): Julien Coste <>
#       File contributor(s):
#       Distributed under the Cecill-C License.
#       See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#       OpenAlea WebSite :
import ast
import re
from openalea.core import logger
from openalea.core.service.interface import interface_class, guess_interface
import textwrap
import collections
from copy import copy

# Function to define to parse r model

[docs]def parse_docstring_r(code): """ parse a string (not a docstring), get the docstring and return information on the model. :use: model, inputs, outputs = parse_docstring_r(multiline_string_to_parse) :param string: docstring to parse (string) :return: model, inputs, outputs """ def parse_cmdline(comment): line = '' if 'cmdline' in comment: line = comment.split('cmdline')[1] line = line.split('=')[1] line = line.split('\n')[0].strip() return line comment = get_docstring_r(code) inputs, outputs = parse_input_and_output(comment) if inputs: inputs = map(InputObj, inputs) if outputs: outputs = map(OutputObj, outputs) cmdline = parse_cmdline(comment) return 'Rfunction', inputs, outputs, cmdline
[docs]def get_docstring_r(code): """ Get a docstring from a code text """ comments = [] for l in code.splitlines(): l = l.strip() if l and l.startswith('#'): comments.append(l) elif l != '': break return '\n'.join(comments)
[docs]def parse_functions_r(docstring): """ Parse a docstring with format: my_model(a:int=4, b)->r:int Unused. :return: model, inputs, outputs """ # TODO # print '-> parse_functions_r', docstring return False, True, True, True ######################################### # Safe ast parsing #########################################
[docs]def ast_parse(string): logger.debug("Parse code: " + string[:10] + "...") try: M = ast.parse(string) except SyntaxError, e: #raise e logger.warning(str(e)) wraper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=30) txt = wraper.wrap(string)[0] # Python 2 # txt = textwrap.shorten(string, width=30, placeholder="...") # Python 3 logger.warning("Syntax error when parsing: " + txt + "...") M = ast.parse("") return M ######################################### # Detect inputs and outputs in docstring #########################################
[docs]def parse_docstring(string): """ parse a string (not a docstring), get the docstring and return information on the model. :use: model, inputs, outputs = parse_docstring(multiline_string_to_parse) :param string: docstring to parse (string) :return: model, inputs, outputs """ d = get_docstring(string) model, inputs, outputs = parse_doc(d) return model, inputs, outputs
[docs]def get_docstring(string): """ Get a docstring from a string """ M = ast_parse(string) docstring = ast.get_docstring(M) if docstring is not None: return docstring return parse_lpy(string)
[docs]def parse_doc(docstring): """ Parse a docstring. :return: model, inputs, outputs """ model, inputs, outputs = parse_function(docstring) inputs2, outputs2 = parse_input_and_output(docstring) # TODO: make a real beautifull merge if inputs2: inputs = inputs2 if outputs2: outputs = outputs2 ret_inputs = [] ret_outputs = [] if inputs: ret_inputs = [InputObj(inp) for inp in inputs] if outputs: ret_outputs = [OutputObj(outp) for outp in outputs] return model, ret_inputs, ret_outputs
[docs]def extract_functions(codestring, filename='tmp'): """ parse the code *codestring* and detect what are the functions defined inside :return: dict name -> code """ # TODO: use ast.iter_child_nodes instead of walk to know nested level # For example, currently this code fails because indent level is wrong # if True: # def f(): # print('hello') # This code fails because "return is outside of function" # def f(): # return 1 # TODO: support IPython %magic funcs = {} r = ast_parse(codestring) for statement in ast.walk(r): if isinstance(statement, ast.FunctionDef): wrapped = ast.Interactive(body=statement.body) try: code = compile(wrapped, filename, 'single') except SyntaxError: logger.debug("Parsing code %s not yet supported" % else: funcs[] = code return funcs
[docs]def parse_function(docstring): """ Parse a docstring with format: my_model(a:int=4, b)->r:int Unused. :return: model, inputs, outputs """ inputs = None outputs = None model = None if hasattr(docstring, "splitlines"): for docline in docstring.splitlines(): if ("->" in docline): outputs = docline.split("->")[-1].split(",") model = docline.split("->")[0].split("(")[0] inputs = docline.split("(")[-1].split(")")[0].split(",") return model, inputs, outputs
def _replace_regex(line, regex, replaced="_"): """ Search *regex* inside *line* and replace it by *replaced* :return: line replaced :use: >>> line = "a=(1,2,3), b=[1,2], c=4, d=([1,2,3],4)" >>> _replace_regex(line, "\([A-Za-z0-9_,()]*\)", "_") >>> "a=_______, b=[1,2], c=4, d=___________" """ line2 = line search =, line2) while search is not None: start = search.start() end = search.end() n = end - start # Replace found part by n*"_" line2 = line2[:start] + (n * replaced) + line2[end:] # Search again search =, line2) return line2 def _replace_bracket(line): # Search something with # - one opening bracket ( # - what you want # - one closing bracket ) return _replace_regex(line, "\([A-Za-z0-9_,()]*\)") def _replace_square_bracket(line): # Search something with # - one opening square bracket [ # - what you want # - one closing square bracket ] return _replace_regex(line, "\[[A-Za-z0-9_,()]*\]") def _replace_quoted(line): # Search something with # - one opening quote ' # - what you want # - one closing quote ' return _replace_regex(line, "\'\s*([^\"]*?)\s*\'") def _replace_double_quoted(line): # Search something with # - one opening quote " # - what you want # - one closing quote " return _replace_regex(line, "\"\s*([^\"]*?)\s*\"") def _safe_split(line): """ Split a text by ",", Manage case where you have a list, a tuple, a string, ... :param line: text line to split (str) :return: splitted line (list) :use: >>> line = "a=(1,2,3), b=[1,2], c=4, d=([1,2,3],4)" >>> _safe_split(line) >>> ["a=(1,2,3)", "b=[1,2]", "c=4", "d=([1,2,3],4)"] """ line2 = line line2 = _replace_bracket(line2) line2 = _replace_square_bracket(line2) line2 = _replace_quoted(line2) line2 = _replace_double_quoted(line2) # Resulting object is something without (square) bracket # "a=[1,2,3], b=(1,2), c=1" become "a=_______, b=_____, c=1" # Split object that have no special character (no bracket, no square bracket) line_without_specials_splitted = line2.split(',') # Stock places where split occurred i = 0 virgule_places = [] for part in line_without_specials_splitted: i = i + len(part) + 1 virgule_places.append(i) # Come back to **first object** and split it at the places **virgule_places** final_lines = [] old = 0 for virgule_place in virgule_places: final_lines.append(line[old:virgule_place - 1]) old = virgule_place # Simple strip return [x.strip() for x in final_lines]
[docs]def parse_input_and_output(docstring): """ Parse a docstring with format: inputs = input_name:input_type=input_default_value, ... outputs = output_name:output_type, ... :use: >>> from openalea.oalab.model.parse import parse_input_and_output >>> comment = ''' ... input = a:int=4, b ... output = r:float''' >>> inputs, outputs = parse_input_and_output(comment) >>> inputs ['a:int=4', 'b'] >>> outputs ['r:float'] :return: inputs, outputs """ inputs = [] outputs = [] if hasattr(docstring, "splitlines"): docsplit = docstring.splitlines() for line in docsplit: line = line.strip() if'^#*\s*input\s*=', line): line = "input".join(line.split('input')[1:]) line = "=".join(line.split('=', 1)[1:]).strip() inputs = _safe_split(line) if'^#*\s*output\s*=', line): line = "output".join(line.split('output')[1:]) line = line.split('=', 1)[1].strip() outputs = _safe_split(line) return inputs, outputs
[docs]def parse_lpy(string): """ Take a lpy string_file, parse it and return only the docstring of the file. :param string: string representation of lpy file :return: docstring of the file if exists (must be a multiline docstring!). If not found, return None. :use: >>> f = open(lpyfilename, "r") # doctest: +SKIP >>> lpystring = # doctest: +SKIP >>> f.close() # doctest: +SKIP >>> >>> docstring = parse_lpy(lpystring) # doctest: +SKIP >>> >>> from openalea.oalab.model.parse import parse_doc >>> if docstring is not None: # doctest: +SKIP ... model, inputs, outputs = parse_doc(docstring) # doctest: +SKIP ... print "model : ", model # doctest: +SKIP ... print "inputs : ", inputs # doctest: +SKIP ... print "outputs : ", outputs # doctest: +SKIP """ # TODO: need a code review begin = None begintype = None doclines = string.splitlines() i = 0 for docline in doclines: i += 1 if docline == '"""': begin = i begintype = '"""' break elif docline == "'''": begin = 1 begintype = "'''" break elif docline == '"""': begin = 2 begintype = '"""' break elif docline == "'''": begin = 2 begintype = "'''" break if begin is not None: end = begin - 1 for docline in doclines[begin:]: end += 1 if docline == begintype: docstrings = doclines[begin:end] return "\n".join(docstrings) return None ########################### # Input and Output Objects ###########################
[docs]class InputObj(object): """ Inputs object with: - an attribute *name*: name of the input obj (str) (mandatory) - an attribute *interface*: interface/type of the input obj (str) (optional) - an attribute *default*: default value of the input obj (str) (optional) >>> from openalea.oalab.model.parse import InputObj >>> obj = InputObj('a:float=1') >>> 'a' >>> obj.default '1' >>> obj.interface IFloat >>> obj InputObj('a:IFloat=1') :param string: string object with format "input_name:input_type=input_default_value" or "input_name=input_default_value" or "input_name:input_type" or "input_name" """ def __init__(self, string=''): = None self.interface = None self.default = None if "=" in string: if ":" in string: = string.split(":")[0].strip() interf = ":".join(string.split(":")[1:]) self.interface = interf.split("=")[0].strip() self.default = "=".join(string.split("=")[1:]).strip() else: = string.split("=")[0].strip() self.default = "=".join(string.split("=")[1:]).strip() elif ":" in string: = string.split(":")[0].strip() self.interface = ":".join(string.split(":")[1:]).strip() else: = string.strip() set_interface(self) def __str__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + ". Name: " + str( + ". Interface: " + str(self.interface) + ". Default Value: " + str(self.default) + "."
[docs] def repr_code(self): string = if self.interface: string += ":%s" % self.interface if self.default: string += "=%s" % self.default return string
def __repr__(self): classname = self.__class__.__name__ return "%s(%r)" % (classname, self.repr_code())
[docs]def set_interface(input_obj): if input_obj.interface is None: if isinstance(input_obj.default, str): try: default_eval = eval(input_obj.default) input_obj.interface = guess_interface(default_eval) except SyntaxError: input_obj.interface = guess_interface(input_obj.default) else: input_obj.interface = guess_interface(input_obj.default) else: try: input_obj.interface = interface_class(input_obj.interface) except ValueError: input_obj.interface = guess_interface(input_obj.default) if input_obj.interface == []: input_obj.interface = None elif isinstance(input_obj.interface, list): input_obj.interface = input_obj.interface[0]
[docs]class OutputObj(InputObj): pass
[docs]def prepare_inputs(inputs_info, *args, **kwargs): """ >>> from openalea.oalab.model.parse import InputObj >>> inputs_info = [InputObj('a:int=1'), InputObj('b:int=2')] >>> prepare_inputs(inputs_info) # doctest: +SKIP {'a':1, 'b':2} >>> prepare_inputs(inputs_info, 10) # doctest: +SKIP {'a':10, 'b':2} >>> prepare_inputs(inputs_info, 10, 20) # doctest: +SKIP {'a':10, 'b':20} """ filename = kwargs.pop('name', "unknown") # TODO: refactor with types.FunctionType _inputs = dict() if inputs_info: not_set_inputs_info = copy(inputs_info) # Use it to know what we have to set and what is yet set # Set positional arguments if args: inputs = list(args) if len(inputs) == 1: if isinstance(inputs, collections.Iterable): inputs = inputs[0] elif isinstance(inputs, collections.Iterable): inputs = list(inputs) inputs = [inputs] inputs.reverse() if inputs_info: for input_info in inputs_info: if len(inputs): default_value = inputs.pop() if _inputs[] = default_value not_set_inputs_info.remove(input_info) else: break # Set non-positional arguments if kwargs: if len(not_set_inputs_info): not_set_inputs_info_dict = dict((, inp) for inp in not_set_inputs_info) for name in kwargs: value = kwargs[name] if name in not_set_inputs_info_dict.keys(): _inputs[name] = value not_set_inputs_info.remove(not_set_inputs_info_dict[name]) del not_set_inputs_info_dict[name] else: msg = "We can not put %r inside inputs of model %r" % (name, name) msg += " because such an input is not declared in the model." raise Exception(msg) # Fill others with defaults if len(not_set_inputs_info): for input_info in copy(not_set_inputs_info): if input_info.default: default_value = eval(input_info.default) _inputs[] = default_value not_set_inputs_info.remove(input_info) # If one argument is missing, raise if len(not_set_inputs_info): raise Exception("Model '%s' have inputs not set. Please set %s." % (filename, [ for inp in not_set_inputs_info])) return _inputs ################################ # Detect functions in docstring ################################
[docs]def parse_functions(codestring): """ parse the code *codestring* and detect what are the functions defined inside (search *init*, *step*, *animate* and *run*) :return: init, step, animate, run functions (code or False) """ exec_funcs = {} exec_funcs_names = ['init', 'step', 'animate', 'run'] for func_name in exec_funcs_names: exec_funcs[func_name] = False r = ast_parse(codestring) functions_list = [x for x in ast.walk(r) if isinstance(x, ast.FunctionDef)] for x in functions_list: if in exec_funcs_names: wrapped = ast.Interactive(body=x.body) try: code = compile(wrapped, 'tmp', 'single') except: pass else: exec_funcs[] = code exec_funcs_list = [exec_funcs[func_name] for func_name in exec_funcs_names] return exec_funcs_list