Source code for openalea.oalab.plugin.builtin.applet

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -*- python -*-
#       OpenAlea.OALab: Multi-Paradigm GUI
#       Copyright 2014-2015 INRIA - CIRAD - INRA
#       File author(s): Julien Coste <>
#       File contributor(s): Guillaume Baty <>
#       Distributed under the Cecill-C License.
#       See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#       OpenAlea WebSite :

__revision__ = ""

from openalea.core.plugin import PluginDef
from openalea.core.authors import *

[docs]class AppletPlugin(object): name_conversion = PluginDef.DROP_PLUGIN
[docs]class ContextualMenu(AppletPlugin): label = 'Contextual Menu' authors = [jcoste, gbaty] def __call__(self): from import ContextualMenu return ContextualMenu
[docs]class ControlManager(AppletPlugin): label = 'Controls' icon = 'controlmanager.png' authors = [gbaty] def __call__(self): from openalea.oalab.control.manager import ControlManagerWidget return ControlManagerWidget
[docs]class EditorManager(AppletPlugin): label = 'Model Editor' icon = 'oxygen_text-x-python.png' authors = [cpradal, dbarbeau, fboudon, gbaty, jchopard, jcoste, sdufourko, tcokelaer, {'name': u"Et al.", 'note': u"See also IParadigmApplet and IModel authors"} ] def __call__(self): # Load and instantiate graphical component that actually provide feature from openalea.oalab.paradigm.container import ModelEditorApplet return ModelEditorApplet
[docs]class FileBrowser(AppletPlugin): label = 'File Browser' icon = 'oxygen_system-file-manager.png' authors = [jcoste, gbaty] def __call__(self): # Load and instantiate graphical component that actually provide feature from openalea.oalab.widget.browser import FileBrowser return FileBrowser
[docs]class HelpWidget(AppletPlugin): label = 'Help' icon = 'oxygen_system-help.png' authors = [jcoste] def __call__(self): # Load and instantiate graphical component that actually provide feature from import HelpWidget return HelpWidget
[docs]class HistoryWidget(AppletPlugin): label = 'History' icon = 'Crystal_Clear_app_clock.png' authors = [jcoste] def __call__(self): # Load and instantiate graphical component that actually provide feature from openalea.oalab.widget.history import HistoryWidget as History return History
[docs]class Logger(AppletPlugin): icon = 'icon_logger2.png' authors = [dbarbeau, cpradal] def __call__(self): # Load and instantiate graphical component that actually provide feature from openalea.oalab.widget.logger import Logger as LoggerWidget return LoggerWidget
[docs]class PkgManagerWidget(AppletPlugin): label = 'VisualeaPkg' icon = ":/images/resources/openalealogo.png" authors = [sdufourko, cpradal, gbaty, jcoste] def __call__(self): # Load and instantiate graphical component that actually provide feature from openalea.oalab.package.widgets import PackageManagerTreeView return PackageManagerTreeView
[docs]class MplFigureWidget(AppletPlugin): name = 'FigureWidget' label = 'Figure (Matplotlib)' icon = 'icon_mplfigure.png' authors = [jdiener, gbaty] def __call__(self): # Load and instantiate graphical component that actually provide feature from openalea.oalab.plot2d.figurewidget import MplFigureWidget return MplFigureWidget
[docs]class MplTabWidget(AppletPlugin): name = 'Plot2d' label = '2D Plots (Matplotlib)' icon = 'icon_mplwidget.png' authors = [jdiener, gbaty] def __call__(self): # Load and instantiate graphical component that actually provide feature from openalea.oalab.plot2d.mplwidget import MplTabWidget return MplTabWidget
[docs]class ProjectManager(AppletPlugin): label = 'Project' icon = 'adwaita_accessories-dictionary.png' authors = [jcoste, gbaty] def __call__(self): from openalea.oalab.project.projecteditor import ProjectEditorWidget return ProjectEditorWidget
[docs]class ShellWidget(AppletPlugin): label = 'Shell' icon = 'oxygen_utilities-terminal.png' authors = [fboudon, jcoste, gbaty, cpradal] def __call__(self): from import get_shell_class return get_shell_class()
[docs]class SplitterApplet(AppletPlugin): icon = 'oxygen_view-split-top-bottom.png' label = 'Splitter' authors = [gbaty] def __call__(self): from openalea.oalab.widget.splittablewindow import SplitterApplet return SplitterApplet
[docs]class Store(AppletPlugin): def __call__(self): from import Store return Store
[docs]class World(AppletPlugin): icon = 'oxygen_world.png' authors = [gbaty, jcoste, gcerutti] def __call__(self): # Load and instantiate graphical component that actually provide feature from import WorldBrowser return WorldBrowser
[docs]class WorldControl(AppletPlugin): label = 'World Controls' icon = 'oxygen_world_control.png' authors = [gcerutti, gbaty] def __call__(self): # Load and instantiate graphical component that actually provide feature from import WorldControlPanel return WorldControlPanel