.. _label-user_model: ====== Models ====== Create New Model ================ To create a model, you can: - create new one from scratch - open an existing file Create a new model: .. image:: ../../images/new_model.png :height: 400px :align: center Open an existing model: .. image:: ../../images/open_model.png :height: 400px :align: center Now you can edit it, run it, ... Add Model to the current project ================================ Once you have your model, you must incorporate it inside your working project. So, it will be accessible to the other models of your project. .. image:: ../../images/add_model_to_proj.png :height: 400px :align: center Drag and Drop ============= To access to a model, just drag object from panel "project" on the left in the GUI and drop it in an other model. .. image:: ../../images/drag2.png :height: 400px :align: center .. image:: ../../images/drag3.png :height: 400px :align: center Using models inside other models ================================ Each model, whatever his *type* can be called inside whatever other model. For instance, We define here an *L-system model* inside our project: .. image:: ../../images/model_lpy.png :height: 400px :align: center Then we can call this model from a *python model*. For this, we realize a simple drag and drop from the project viewer (at left) to our current model. .. image:: ../../images/model_py.png :height: 400px :align: center We can use it inside a *workflow model* too: .. image:: ../../images/model_wf.png :height: 400px :align: center .. seealso:: Developer's documentation :ref:`label-api_model`.