The Zen of Git

The Zen of Git by Guillaume Bâty

  • Work on your own personal repository you can break everything, it doesn't matter.
  • Never never never use push --force: you can destroy work (and be hated) for ever!
  • Not confident with a command ?, create a branch before! You will be able to come back.
  • Push your branches in a distant personal repository.
  • Never panic If you have followed previous rules, there is a solution
  • Read git messages, yes it is useful and generally answer to your questions
  • Lost in the branches ? show log and branches (gitk --all or git log --graph && git branch)
  • Lost in your modifications ? git status
  • Lost in repositories ? git remote -v
  • A "--abort" option maybe exists, git merge --abort, git rebase --abort, ...

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