Source code for core.customexception

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# This file is part of pyLot library.
# pyLot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# pyLot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with pyLot.  If not, see <>.

__author__ = u'Pierre Puiseux, Guillaume Baty'
__copyright__ = u"Copyright 2011-2012 (C) andheo, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour"
__credits__ = [u'Pierre Puiseux', u'Guillaume Baty']
__license__ = "GNU Lesser General Public License"

__all__ = ['cast_error', 'display_error_color', 'CustomException', 'UserException']

[docs]def cast_error(error, klass, title=True, message=True, desc=True, **kargs): new_error = klass(**kargs) if isinstance(error, CustomException): new_error.title = new_error.title if title else error.title new_error.message = new_error.message if message else error.message new_error.desc = new_error.desc if desc else error.desc else: new_error.title = new_error.title if title else error.__class__.__name__ new_error.message = new_error.message if message else error.message new_error.desc = new_error.desc if desc else error.message return new_error
[docs]def display_error_color(e): if not isinstance(e, CustomException): e = cast_error(e, CustomException) print '-' * len(e.getTitle()) print e.getTitle() print '-' * len(e.getTitle()) print print e.getMessage() desc = e.getDesc() if desc: part = u'Details:' print print part print '-' * len(part) print desc
[docs]class CustomException(Exception): u""" CustomException is an extension of builtin Exception. Goal is to provide an unique structure for all kind of exceptions to allow high-level exception handling. For this reason, CustomException always provides : - a title (getTitle) - a message (getMessage) - a detailed description (getDesc) Typicall use is : def print_error(error): "number of error arguments has no importance" print_in_red(error.getTitle()) print_in_blue(error.getMessage()) try : action except CustomExceptionNumberOne,error : print_error(error) except CustomExceptionNumberTwo,error : print_error(error) except CustomExceptionNumberThree,error : fix the problem # CustomExceptionNumberFour isn't intercepted here but for example in GUI classes else : print 'done' If CustomException takes one argument, you can reach it using "%(value)s". If it takes more than one, you must reimplement _kargs method. Example : .. code-block :: python class ErrNotMatchingPuzzlePiece(CustomException): title = u'Error: puzzle pieces do not match' message = u'%(compass_1)s part of piece %(piece_1)%s do not match %(compass_2)s part of piece %(piece_2)%s' desc = "This error is raised because ..." def _kargs(self): return dict( compass_1=unicode(self._args[0].num), piece_1=self._args[1], compass_2=unicode(self._args[2].num), piece_2=self._args[3], ) #two raise this exception: raise ErrNotMatchingPuzzlePiece(p1, u'North', p2, u'South') # with p1 and p2 two "Piece" objects containing a "num" attribute. """ title = u'Unknown Error' message = u'An unknown error occurs' desc = u'No details available' def __init__(self, *args, **kargs): self._args = args self.__kargs = kargs
[docs] def kargs(self): self.__kargs.update(self._kargs()) return self.__kargs
def _kargs(self): try: return dict(value=self._args[0]) except IndexError: return {}
[docs] def rkargs(self): dic = {} for k, v in self.kargs(): dic[k] = repr(v) return dic
[docs] def getMessage(self): return self.message % self.kargs()
[docs] def getTitle(self): return self.title % self.kargs()
[docs] def getDesc(self): return self.desc % self.kargs()
def __str__(self): return self.getMessage().encode('utf8') def __unicode__(self): return self.getMessage()
[docs]class UserException(CustomException): pass
class ErrorInvalidItemName(CustomException): title = u'Error: item name is not valid' message = u'%(name)r is not valid' desc = u"Item name must not be empty, contain punctuation (except '_')or non ascii character" def _kargs(self): return dict( project=self._args[0], category=self._args[1], name=self._args[2], ) class ErrorInvalidItem(CustomException): title = u'Error: item is invalid' message = u'Item is invalid: %(message)s' desc = u"Item is invalid" def _kargs(self): return dict(message=self._args[0])