Source code for core.metaclass

# -*- python -*-

# CODE from ASPN language cookbook
# License BSD


# Functions from
# They resolv metaclass conflicts
# Submitter: Michele Simionato (other recipes)
# Last Updated: 2005/04/11
# Version no: 1.4
# Category: OOP


# The simplest case where a metatype conflict happens is the following.
# Consider a class ``A`` with metaclass ``M_A`` and a class ``B`` with
# an independent metaclass ``M_B``; suppose we derive ``C`` from ``A``
# and ``B``. The question is: what is the metaclass of ``C`` ?
# Is it ``M_A`` or ``M_B`` ?

# The correct answer (see the book "Putting metaclasses to work" for a
# thoughtful discussion) is ``M_C``, where ``M_C`` is a metaclass that inherits
# from ``M_A`` and ``M_B``, as in the following graph, where instantiation
# is denoted by colon lines:

#              M_A     M_B
#               : \   / :
#               :  \ /  :
#               A  M_C  B
#                \  :  /
#                 \ : /
#                   C

# However, Python is not that magic, and it does not automatically create
# ``M_C``. Instead, it raises a ``TypeError``, warning the programmer of
# the possible confusion. The metatype conflict can be avoided
# by assegning the correct metaclass to ``C`` by hand:

# >>> class M_AM_B(M_A,M_B): pass
# ...
# >>> class C(A,B):
# ... __metaclass__=M_AM_B
# >>> C,type(C)
# (<class 'C'>, <class 'M_AM_B'>)

# In general, a class ``A(B, C, D , ...)`` can be generated without conflicts
# only if ``type(A)`` is a subclass of each of ``type(B), type(C), ...``

# It is possible to automatically avoid conflicts, by defining a smart
# class factory that generates the correct metaclass by looking at the
# metaclasses of the base classes. This is done via the ``classmaker``
# class factory, wich internally invokes the ``get_noconflict_metaclass``
# function.

# >>> from noconflict import classmaker
# >>> class C(A,B):
# ... __metaclass__=classmaker()
# >>> C
# <class 'C'>
# >>> type(C) # automatically generated metaclass
# <class 'noconflict._M_AM_B'>

# In order to avoid to generate twice the same metaclass, they
# are stored in a dictionary. In particular, when ``_generatemetaclass``
# is invoked with the same arguments it returns the same metaclass.
""" todo """

__license__ = "Cecill-C"
__revision__ = " $Id$ "

import inspect
import types

 ############## preliminary: two utility functions #####################

[docs]def skip_redundant(iterable, skipset=None): "Redundant items are repeated items or items in the original skipset." if skipset is None: skipset = set() for item in iterable: if item not in skipset: skipset.add(item) yield item
[docs]def remove_redundant(metaclasses): """todo""" skipset = set([types.ClassType]) for meta in metaclasses: # determines the metaclasses to be skipped skipset.update(inspect.getmro(meta)[1:]) return tuple(skip_redundant(metaclasses, skipset)) # Store already generated class here
memoized_metaclasses_map = {}
[docs]def get_noconflict_metaclass(bases, left_metas, right_metas): """Not intended to be used outside of this module, unless you know what you are doing.""" # make tuple of needed metaclasses in specified priority order metas = left_metas + tuple(map(type, bases)) + right_metas needed_metas = remove_redundant(metas) # return existing confict-solving meta, if any if needed_metas in memoized_metaclasses_map: return memoized_metaclasses_map[needed_metas] # nope: compute, memoize and return needed conflict-solving meta elif not needed_metas: # wee, a trivial case, happy us meta = type elif len(needed_metas) == 1: # another trivial case meta = needed_metas[0] # check for recursion, can happen i.e. for Zope ExtensionClasses elif needed_metas == bases: raise TypeError("Incompatible root metatypes", needed_metas) else: # gotta work ... metaname = '_' + ''.join([m.__name__ for m in needed_metas]) meta = make_metaclass()(metaname, needed_metas, {}) memoized_metaclasses_map[needed_metas] = meta return meta # Main factory Function
[docs]def make_metaclass(left_metas=(), right_metas=()): """ Generate a metaclass for multi-inherited class """ def make_class(name, bases, adict): """todo""" metaclass = get_noconflict_metaclass(bases, left_metas, right_metas) return metaclass(name, bases, adict) return make_class