# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -*- python -*-
# OpenAlea.OALab: Multi-Paradigm GUI
# Copyright 2014 INRIA - CIRAD - INRA
# File author(s):
# Julien Coste <julien.coste@inria.fr>
# Christophe Pradal<christophe.pradal@inria.fr>
# Guillaume Baty <guillaume.baty@inria.fr>
# File contributor(s):
# Distributed under the Cecill-C License.
# See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
# http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-C_V1-en.html
# OpenAlea WebSite : http://openalea.gforge.inria.fr
from openalea.core.path import path as Path
import warnings
[docs]class ISaver(object):
Generic interface class for savers
default_name = str # Saver name. If not defined, use class name (ex: 'PythonControlSaver')
dtype = [] # Interface that can be managed by the saver. (ex: 'IControl')
protocols = [] # supported output mimetypes. First element is used by default (ex: ['text/x-python'])
# list of available options (that can be passed in kwds)
# ex: ['author', {'name':'algorithm', 'interface':'IStr', 'values':['jpg', 'lzw', 'none']}, 'quality:IFloat=0.8']
options = []
[docs] def save(self, obj, path, protocol=None, **kwds):
raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class ILoader(object):
default_name = str # Loader name. If not defined, use class name (ex: 'PythonControlLoader')
dtype = [] # Interface that can be output by loader (ex: 'IControl')
protocols = [] # supported input mimetypes. First element is used by default (ex: ['text/x-python'])
options = [] # list of available options (that can be passed in kwds). (ex: 'mode=lazy')
[docs] def load(self, path, protocol=None, **kwds):
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def update(self, obj, path, protocol=None, **kwds):
Like "load" but update, if available, an existing object and return it.
If no update is available, method must return new instance.
data = MyData()
loader = MyLoader()
data2 = data.update('test.dat', data)
data is data2 # True if update is supported, else False
raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class ISerializer(object):
Generic interface class for savers
default_name = str # Serializer name. If not defined, use class name (ex: 'PythonControlSerializer')
dtype = [] # Interface that can be managed by serializer. (ex: 'IControl')
protocols = [] # supported output mimetypes. First element is used by default (ex: ['text/x-python'])
# list of available options (that can be passed in kwds). (ex: 'separator:IStr=;' for a CSV serializer)
options = []
[docs] def serialize(self, obj, protocol=None, **kwds):
This method must return an iterable object, ideally an iterator
return 'iterator'
[docs]class IDeserializer(object):
Generic interface class for savers
default_name = str # Deserializer name. If not defined, use class name (ex: 'PythonControlDeserializer')
dtype = [] # Interface that can be output by deserializer. (ex: 'IControl')
protocols = [] # supported input mimetypes. First element is used by default (ex: ['text/x-python'])
# list of available options (that can be passed in kwds). (ex: 'separator:IStr=;' for a CSV deserializer)
options = []
[docs] def deserialize(self, lines, protocol=None, **kwds):
return 'data'
[docs] def update(self, lines, obj, protocol=None, **kwds):
[docs]class AbstractSaver(object):
def _open_file(self, path):
filename = Path(path)
if filename.isdir():
print 'BUG: filename is a dir'
file_ = open(filename, "w")
except IOError:
newdir, fn = filename.splitpath()
if not Path(newdir).isdir():
file_ = open(filename, "w")
return file_
def _write(self, lines, file_):
for line in lines:
[docs] def save(self, obj, path, protocol=None, **kwds):
lines = self._serialize(obj, protocol=protocol, **kwds)
file_ = self._open_file(path)
self._write(lines, file_)
def _serialize(self, obj, protocol, **kwds):
raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class AbstractLoader(object):
def _iter_file(self, file_):
for line in file_:
yield line
[docs] def load(self, path, protocol=None, **kwds):
file_ = open(path, 'r')
except IOError:
lines = []
lines = self._iter_file(file_)
return self._deserialize(lines, protocol=protocol, **kwds)
def _deserialize(self, lines, protocol=None, **kwds):
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def update(self, obj, path, protocol=None, **kwds):
return self.load(path, protocol=protocol, **kwds)
[docs]class AbstractDeserializer(object):
[docs] def deserialize(self, lines, protocol=None, **kwds):
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def update(self, obj, lines, protocol=None, **kwds):
return self.deserialize(lines, protocol, **kwds)
[docs]class GenericTextSaver(AbstractSaver):
Classical saver that write str(obj) into file
default_name = "GenericSaver"
output_format = "*.py"
def _serialize(self, obj):
code = str(obj).encode("utf8", "ignore")
yield code
[docs]class BinarySaver(AbstractSaver):
default_name = "BinarySaver"
output_format = "*"
[docs] def save(self, obj, filename):
if isinstance(obj, Path):
if obj.abspath() != Path(filename).abspath():
[docs]class CPickleSaver(AbstractSaver):
Specific saver that use cPickle.dump
default_name = "CPickleSaver"
output_format = "*"
[docs] def save(self, obj, path):
Store obj into filename
file_ = self._open_file(path)
import cPickle
cPickle.dumps(obj, file_)
except ImportError:
warnings.warn("You must install cPickle.")
[docs]class BGEOMSaver(object):
Specific loader that is used to manipulate PlantGL objects
default_name = "BGEOMSaver"
output_format = "*.BGEOM"
[docs] def save(self, obj, filename):
Store obj into filename
filename = Path(filename)
from openalea.plantgl.all import Scene
sc = Scene()
return sc.save(str(filename), "BGEOM")
except ImportError:
warnings.warn("You must install PlantGL if you want to load a BGEOM object.")
except Exception, e:
print e
warnings.warn("Impossible to save the scene for object %s into %s" % (obj, filename))
[docs]class GenericLoader(object):
Classical loader that read file
default_name = "GenericLoader"
input_format = "*.py"
[docs] def load(self, filename):
:param filename: filename to convert into python object
:return: a python object interpreted from string "text"
filename = Path(filename)
if filename.exists():
obj = open(filename, 'rU').read()
return obj
[docs]class BinaryLoader(object):
default_name = "BinaryLoader"
input_format = "*"
[docs] def load(self, filename):
return Path(filename)
[docs]class PythonLoader(object):
Classical loader that read file and try to eval object
default_name = "PythonLoader"
input_format = "*.py"
[docs] def load(self, filename):
:param filename: filename to convert into python object
:return: a python object interpreted from string "text"
filename = Path(filename)
if filename.exists():
obj = open(filename, 'rU').read()
return eval(obj)
except SyntaxError:
return obj
except NameError:
return obj
[docs]class CPickleLoader(AbstractLoader):
Specific loader that use cPickle.loads
default_name = "CPickleLoader"
input_format = "*"
[docs] def load(self, filename):
:param filename: filename to convert into python object
:return: a python object interpreted from filename
filename = Path(filename)
if filename.exists():
cpik = "False"
import cPickle
cpik = "True"
except ImportError:
warnings.warn("You must install cPickle.")
if cpik:
file_ = open(filename, "r")
ret = cPickle.load(file_)
return ret
except Exception, e:
print "Can't load file " + filename + " with loader CPickleLoader. "
print e
[docs]class BGEOMLoader(AbstractLoader):
Specific loader that is used to manipulate PlantGL objects
default_name = "BGEOMLoader"
input_format = "*.BGEOM"
[docs] def load(self, filename):
:param filename: filename to convert into python object
:return: a python object interpreted from string "text"
filename = Path(filename)
if filename.exists():
from openalea.plantgl.all import Scene
sc = Scene()
sc.read(str(filename), "BGEOM")
return sc
except ImportError:
warnings.warn("You must install PlantGL if you want to load a BGEOM object.")
except Exception, e:
print e
warnings.warn("Impossible to load the scene")