Source code for core.signature2
# -*- python -*-
# OpenAlea.Core
# Copyright 2006-2009 INRIA - CIRAD - INRA
# File author(s):
# Christophe Pradal <>
# Distributed under the Cecill-C License.
# See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
# OpenAlea WebSite :
"""Signature class that instropect python functor based on the code"""
__license__ = "Cecill-C"
__revision__ = " $Id: $ "
from openalea.core import funcsigs
from openalea.core.signature import Signature as OldSignature
from openalea.core.interface import TypeInterfaceMap, TypeNameInterfaceMap
from collections import OrderedDict
class Signature(OldSignature):
def __init__(self, f):
super(Signature, self).__init__(f)
self.outputs = None
# TODO : use funcsigs.signature to complete
if hasattr(f, __inputs__):
self.parameters = f.__inputs__
if hasattr(f, __outputs__):
self.outputs = f.__outputs__
[docs]def sign_outputs(f):
Return list of outputs detected from f.__outputs__
new_outputs = []
if hasattr(f, "__outputs__"):
outputs = f.__outputs__
if isinstance(outputs, str):
new_outputs += sign_from_string(f, f.__outputs__)
if isinstance(outputs, list):
for output in outputs:
new_outputs += sign_from_string(f, output)
return new_outputs
[docs]def sign_from_string(f, string):
inputs = string
new_inputs = []
inps = inputs.split(",")
for inp in inps:
n = ""
v = None
interface = None
inpsplit = inp.split("=")
if len(inpsplit) == 2:
v = inpsplit[1]
inpsplit2 = inpsplit[0].split(":")
# Case "a=4"
if len(inpsplit2) == 1:
n = inpsplit2[0]
p = eval(v)
interface = TypeInterfaceMap().get(type(p),None)
# Case "a:int=4"
elif len(inpsplit2) == 2:
n = inpsplit2[0]
interface = inpsplit2[1]
p = eval("%s()"%interface)
interface = TypeInterfaceMap().get(type(p),None)
inpsplit = inp.split(":")
# Cases "a"
if len(inpsplit) == 1:
n = inpsplit[0]
v = None
interface = TypeInterfaceMap().get(type(v),None)
# Cases "a:int"
elif len(inpsplit) == 2:
n = inpsplit[0]
v = None
interface = inpsplit[1]
new_inputs.append(dict(name=n, interface=interface, value=v))
return new_inputs