Source code for core.traitsui

# -*- python -*-
#       OpenAlea.Core
#       Copyright 2006-2009 INRIA - CIRAD - INRA
#       File author(s): Szymon Stoma <>
#       Distributed under the Cecill-C License.
#       See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#       OpenAlea WebSite :
"""View for organizing the component lookout."""

__license__ = "Cecill-C"
__revision__ = " $Id$ "

[docs]class View(object): """Describes the layout of widget. <Long description of the class functionality.> """ def __init__(self, *values, **kargs): """Basic constructor.""" self.content = values self.layout = kargs.get("layout", "|") self.label=kargs.get("label", "")
[docs]class Item(object): """Describes the atom of View. <Long description of the class functionality.> """ def __init__(self, name, **keys): """Basic constructor. """ = name self.show_label = keys.get("show_label", True)
[docs]class Group(object): """Describes the group for View. <Long description of the class functionality.> """ def __init__(self, label, *values, **keys): """Basic constructor. """ self.content = values self.label = label self.layout = keys.get("layout", "|")