Source code for image.gui.colormaps

# -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*-
# -*- python -*-
#       openalea.image.analysis.gui.colormaps
#       Copyright 2010-2011 INRIA - CIRAD - INRA - ENS-Lyon
#       File author(s): Vincent Mirabet
#       Distributed under the Cecill-C License.
#       See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#       OpenAlea WebSite :
__license__= "Cecill-C"
__revision__=" $Id$ "

# import libraries
import sys
import numpy as np

[docs]def liste(): """ list of accessible colormaps """ l=["black_and_white", "white_and_black", "rainbow_full", "rainbow_green2red", "rainbow_red2blue", "rainbow_green2blue", "rainbow_red2green", "rainbow_blue2red", "rainbow_blue2green"] print
[docs]def black_and_white(lut): """ creates a black and white lut """ lut.alpha_range=[1.,1.] lut.hue_range=[0.,1.] lut.value_range=[1.0, 2.0] lut.saturation_range=[0.,0.] return lut
[docs]def white_and_black(lut): """ creates a black and white lut """ lut.alpha_range=[1.,1.] lut.hue_range=[0.,1.] lut.value_range=[1.0, 2.0] lut.saturation_range=[0.,0.] return lut
[docs]def rainbow_full(lut, begin=0., end=1.): """ creates a rainbow lut """ lut.alpha_range=[1.,1.] lut.hue_range=[begin,end] lut.value_range=[1.0, 1.0] lut.saturation_range=[1.,1.] return lut
[docs]def rainbow_green2red(lut, begin=0.33, end=1.): """ creates a rainbow lut """ lut.alpha_range=[1.,1.] lut.hue_range=[begin,end] lut.value_range=[1.0, 1.0] lut.saturation_range=[1.,1.] return lut
[docs]def rainbow_red2blue(lut, begin=0., end=0.66): """ creates a rainbow lut """ lut.alpha_range=[1.,1.] lut.hue_range=[begin,end] lut.value_range=[1.0, 1.0] lut.saturation_range=[1.,1.] return lut
[docs]def rainbow_green2blue(lut, begin=0.33, end=0.66): """ creates a rainbow lut """ lut.alpha_range=[1.,1.] lut.hue_range=[begin,end] lut.value_range=[1.0, 1.0] lut.saturation_range=[1.,1.] return lut
[docs]def rainbow_red2green(lut, begin=1., end=.33): """ creates a rainbow lut """ lut.alpha_range=[1.,1.] lut.hue_range=[begin,end] lut.value_range=[1.0, 1.0] lut.saturation_range=[1.,1.] return lut
[docs]def rainbow_blue2red(lut, begin=0.66, end=0.): """ creates a rainbow lut """ lut.alpha_range=[1.,1.] lut.hue_range=[begin,end] lut.value_range=[1.0, 1.0] lut.saturation_range=[1.,1.] return lut
[docs]def rainbow_blue2green(lut, begin=0.66, end=0.33): """ creates a rainbow lut """ lut.alpha_range=[1.,1.] lut.hue_range=[begin,end] lut.value_range=[1.0, 1.0] lut.saturation_range=[1.,1.] return lut