# -*- python -*-
# image: image manipulation GUI
# Copyright 2006 - 2011 INRIA - CIRAD - INRA
# File author(s): Jerome Chopard <jerome.chopard@sophia.inria.fr>
# Eric Moscardi <eric.moscardi@sophia.inria.fr>
# Distributed under the Cecill-C License.
# See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
# http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-C_V1-en.html
# OpenAlea WebSite : http://openalea.gforge.inria.fr
This module defines functions to transform images into QPixmaps
__license__= "Cecill-C"
__revision__ = " $Id: __init__.py 2245 2010-02-08 17:11:34Z cokelaer $ "
from openalea.vpltk.qt import QtCore, QtGui
from openalea.vpltk.qt import qt
from numpy import array, zeros, uint32, uint8
from openalea.image.spatial_image import SpatialImage
from openalea.image.gui.palette import palette_factory, from_argb_swap_columns_and_recast
from openalea.image.pil import Image, ImageQt
QPixmap = qt.QtGui.QPixmap
QImage = qt.QtGui.QImage
[docs]def to_img (img, scalar_type=None, lut=None, forceNativeLut=None) :
"""Transform an image array into a QImage
-`img` (NxMx3 or 4 array of int) - 2D matrix of RGB(A) image pixels
i will correspond to y and j to x with origin
in the top left corner
:Returns Type: QImage
# -- personnal opinion (DB) : there shouldn't be ANY transposition
# applied automatically in viewing code, except for transpositions
# explicitly asked by the user view GUI or what. If the image is not
# properly oriented it is up to the reading code to fix the orientation! --
if isinstance(img, SpatialImage):
nb_dim = len(img.shape)
if nb_dim == 3:
img = img.transpose(1,0,2)
elif nb_dim == 4:
img = img.transpose(1,0,2,3)
elif nb_dim == 2:
img = img.transpose(1,0)
raise Exception("Unknown image shape, cannot deduce pixel format")
_img = Image.fromarray(img)
pseudo_QImage = ImageQt.ImageQt(_img)
return pseudo_QImage
nb_dim = len(img.shape)
if nb_dim == 3:
vdim = img.shape[-1]
img = img.transpose(1,0,2).copy("C")
elif nb_dim == 4:
vdim = img.shape[-1]
img = img.transpose(1,0,2,3).copy("C")
elif nb_dim == 2:
vdim = 1
img = img.transpose(1,0).copy("C")
raise Exception("Unknown image shape, cannot deduce pixel format")
if not img.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']:
img = img.copy("C")
qimg = QImage(img.data,
return qimg.copy()
[docs]def to_img_fast( img, scalar_type=None, lut=None, forceNativeLut=False):
"""Transform an image array into a QImage.
The implementation tries to minimize data copies and casting by
determining the exact flags for QImage and feeding it with the
data pointer.
:Returns Type: QImage
import sip
l_sh = len(img.shape)
if l_sh == 3:
vdim = img.shape[2]
img = img.transpose(1,0,2)
elif l_sh == 4:
vdim = img.shape[3]
img = img.transpose(1,0,0,2)
elif l_sh == 2:
vdim = 1
img = img.transpose(1,0)
raise Exception("Unknown image shape, cannot deduce pixel format")
if vdim == 1: # : We are working on scalar images, this includes argb32 encoded images
if scalar_type == None:
# -- make sure we always have a default lut to display indexed things --
cmax = img.max()
if lut is None:
lut = palette_factory("grayscale", cmax)
# -- if all values fit within a uint8, cast and operate on it.
# Currently doesn't work on non-square images maybe because all
# data is not 32bits aligned. --
if forceNativeLut: #cmax <= 255:
print "using native 8bit color map"
if img.dtype != uint8 :
img = uint8(img)
qim = QImage(sip.voidptr(img.ctypes.data), img.shape[0], img.shape[1], QImage.Format_Indexed8)
return qim.copy()
# -- QImages currently only allow indexing of 8bit images (up to value 255).
# This disqualifies anything that has cmax > 255. However, these can be handled
# on our side by converting them to RGBA and processing them as such --
# print "casting from indexed to argb32"
img = lut[img] # : this creates an rgba image (len(shape)==2)
return to_img(img, scalar_type="argb32")
elif scalar_type=="argb32":
print "using native scalar argb32"
qim = QImage(sip.voidptr(img.ctypes.data), img.shape[0], img.shape[1], QImage.Format_ARGB32).copy()
return qim
elif vdim in [3,4] : # : We are working on vectorial things like RGB ...
data = img.ctypes.data
if vdim == 3:
print "using native vectorial rgb888"
fmt = QImage.Format_RGB888
elif vdim == 4: # ... or RGBA
print "using native vectorial argb32"
fmt = QImage.Format_ARGB32
raise Exception("Unhandled vectorial pixel type")
qim = QImage(sip.voidptr(data), img.shape[0], img.shape[1], fmt)
return qim.copy()
raise Exception( "Arrays of shape length %s are not handled" % l_sh )
[docs]def to_pix( img, scalar_type=None, lut=None, forceNativeLut=False):
"""Transform an image array into a QPixmap
-`img` (NxMx3 or 4 array of int) - 2D matrix of RGB(A) image pixels
i will correspond to x and j to y
:Returns Type: QPixmap
return QPixmap.fromImage(to_img(img, scalar_type, lut, forceNativeLut) )
[docs]def to_tex (img) :
"""Transform an image array into an array usable for texture in opengl
-`img` (NxMx3 or 4 array of int) - 2D matrix of RGB(A) image pixels
i will correspond to y and j to x with origin
in the top left corner
:Returns Type: NxMx4 array of uint8
if img.shape[2] == 4 :
return array(img,uint8)
else :
alpha = zeros(img.shape[:2],uint8) + 255
ret = array([img[...,0],img[...,1],img[...,2],alpha],uint8)
return ret.transpose( (1,2,0) )