Source code for image.gui.slide_viewer

# -*- python -*-
#       spatial_image.visu : spatial nd images
#       Copyright 2006 - 2011 INRIA - CIRAD - INRA
#       File author(s): Jerome Chopard <>
#                       Eric Moscardi <>
#       File Contributor(s):
#                       Manual Forero
#       Distributed under the Cecill-C License.
#       See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#       OpenAlea WebSite :
This module provide a simple viewer to display 3D stacks

__license__= "Cecill-C"
__revision__=" $Id: $ "

__all__ = ["display","SlideViewer"]

def load_local(mod,modules):
    modules = modules.split()
    modules = ''.join(modules).split(',')

    for m in modules:
        globals()[m] = mod.__getattribute__(m)

from openalea.image.spatial_image import SpatialImage
import numpy as np
from openalea.vpltk.qt import QtCore, QtGui
from palette import palette_names,palette_factory
from pixmap_view import PixmapStackView,ScalableLabel

from slide_viewer_ui import Ui_MainWindow

if 'bw' in palette_names:

[docs]class SlideViewer (QMainWindow) : """Display each image in a stack using a slider A pure QWidget (instead of QMainWindow) is also available, see openalea.image.gui.slide_viewer_widget. """ viewer_count = 0 def __init__ (self, parent=None) : QMainWindow.__init__(self, parent) self.ui = Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.axis = 2 #central label self._im_view = PixmapStackView() self._label = ScalableLabel() self.setCentralWidget(self._label) #mouse handling self._label.setMouseTracking(True) self._last_mouse_x = 0 self._last_mouse_y = 0 QObject.connect(self._label, SIGNAL("mouse_press"), self.mouse_pressed) QObject.connect(self._label, SIGNAL("mouse_move"), self.mouse_pressed) #toolbar QObject.connect(self.ui.action_close, SIGNAL("triggered(bool)"), self.close) QObject.connect(self.ui.action_snapshot, SIGNAL("triggered(bool)"), self.snapshot) QObject.connect(self.ui.action_rotate_left, SIGNAL("triggered(bool)"), self.rotate_left) QObject.connect(self.ui.action_rotate_right, SIGNAL("triggered(bool)"), self.rotate_right) #palette self._palette_select = QComboBox() self.ui.toolbar.addWidget(self._palette_select) for palname in palette_names : self._palette_select.addItem(palname) QObject.connect(self._palette_select, SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(int)"), self.palette_name_changed) #axis self._axis = QComboBox(self) self.ui.toolbar.addWidget(self._axis) self._axis.addItem("Z-axis") self._axis.addItem("Y-axis") self._axis.addItem("X-axis") self.connect(self._axis, SIGNAL('currentIndexChanged(int)'), self.change_axis ) #slider self._bot_toolbar = QToolBar("slider") self._img_slider = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal) self._img_slider.setEnabled(False) QObject.connect(self._img_slider, SIGNAL("valueChanged(int)"), self.slice_changed) self._bot_toolbar.addWidget(self._img_slider) self.addToolBar(Qt.BottomToolBarArea,self._bot_toolbar) #statusbar self._lab_coord = QLabel("coords:") self._lab_xcoord = QLabel("% 4d" % 0) self._lab_ycoord = QLabel("% 4d" % 0) self._lab_zcoord = QLabel("% 4d" % 0) self._lab_intens = QLabel("intens: None") self.ui.statusbar.addPermanentWidget(self._lab_coord) self.ui.statusbar.addPermanentWidget(self._lab_xcoord) self.ui.statusbar.addPermanentWidget(self._lab_ycoord) self.ui.statusbar.addPermanentWidget(self._lab_zcoord) self.ui.statusbar.addPermanentWidget(self._lab_intens) self.set_title("<"+str(self.viewer_count)+">") SlideViewer.viewer_count += 1 ############################################## # # update GUI # ##############################################
[docs] def update_pix (self) : pix = self._im_view.pixmap() if pix is not None : self._label.setPixmap(pix)
[docs] def get_pixel_value_str(self, img, x, y, z): px = img[x,y,z] if isinstance(px, np.ndarray): return str(px) else: return "%3d"%px
[docs] def fill_infos (self) : x,y = self._label.pixmap_coordinates(self._last_mouse_x, self._last_mouse_y) img = self._im_view.image() if img is not None : i,j,k = self._im_view.data_coordinates(x,y) self._lab_xcoord.setText("% 4d" % i) self._lab_ycoord.setText("% 4d" % j) self._lab_zcoord.setText("% 4d" % k) imax,jmax,kmax = img.shape[:3] if self.axis==0 : #axis x if 0 <= i < jmax and 0 <= j < kmax and 0 <= k < imax : self._lab_intens.setText("intens: %s" % self.get_pixel_value_str(img,k,i,j)) else : self._lab_intens.setText("intens: None") elif self.axis==1 : #axis y if 0 <= i < imax and 0 <= j < kmax and 0 <= k < jmax : self._lab_intens.setText("intens: %s" % self.get_pixel_value_str(img,i,k,j)) else : self._lab_intens.setText("intens: None") else : #axis z if 0 <= i < imax and 0 <= j < jmax and 0 <= k < kmax : self._lab_intens.setText("intens: %s" % self.get_pixel_value_str(img,i,j,k)) else : self._lab_intens.setText("intens: None") ############################################## # # accessors # ##############################################
[docs] def set_image (self, img) : self._im_view.set_image(img) try : self.resolution = img.resolution[:] except AttributeError : pass self._img_slider.setRange(0,self._im_view.nb_slices() - 1) self._img_slider.setEnabled(True) self.slice_changed(self._img_slider.value() )
[docs] def set_palette (self, palette, palette_name = None) : if palette_name is not None : ind = self._palette_select.findText(palette_name) self._palette_select.setCurrentIndex(ind) self._im_view.set_palette(palette,self.axis) self.update_pix()
[docs] def set_title(self, title=None): if title is not None : self.setWindowTitle(title)
[docs] def change_axis(self,ind): self.axis = 2-ind try : res = list(self.resolution) del res[self.axis] tr = self._im_view._transform if tr % 180 : self._label._resolution=res[1],res[0] else : self._label.set_resolution(*res) except AttributeError : pass self._im_view._reconstruct_pixmaps(self.axis) self._img_slider.setRange(0,self._im_view.nb_slices() - 1) self._img_slider.setEnabled(True) self.update_pix() #self.fill_infos() ############################################## # # slots # ##############################################
[docs] def palette_name_changed (self, palette_index) : palname = str(self._palette_select.currentText() ) img = self._im_view.image() if img is not None : self.set_palette(palette_factory(str(palname),img.max()) )
[docs] def slice_changed (self, ind) : self._im_view.set_current_slice(ind) self.update_pix() self.fill_infos()
[docs] def snapshot (self) : """write the current image """ pix = self._im_view.pixmap() if pix is not None :"slice%.4d.png" % self._img_slider.value() )
[docs] def wheelEvent (self, event) : inc = / 8 / 15 self._img_slider.setValue(self._img_slider.value() + inc)
[docs] def rotate_left (self) : res=self._label._resolution self._label._resolution=res[1],res[0] self._im_view.rotate(-1) self.update_pix()
[docs] def rotate_right (self) : res=self._label._resolution self._label._resolution=res[1],res[0] self._im_view.rotate(1) self.update_pix()
[docs] def mouse_pressed (self, event) : self._last_mouse_x = event.x() self._last_mouse_y = event.y() self.fill_infos()
[docs]def display (image, palette_name = "grayscale", title = None , color_index_max = None) : """ """ w = SlideViewer() if not isinstance(image,SpatialImage): image = SpatialImage(image) if image.ndim < 3 : image = image.reshape(image.shape + (1,)) if color_index_max is None : cmax = image.max() else : cmax = color_index_max palette = palette_factory(palette_name,cmax) w.set_palette(palette,palette_name) w.set_image(image) w.set_title(title) return w