# -*- python -*-
# image.serial: read tif
# Copyright 2011 INRIA - CIRAD - INRA
# File author(s): Christophe Pradal <christophe.pradal@cirad.fr>
# Daniel Barbeau <daniel.barbeau@cirad.fr>
# Distributed under the Cecill-C License.
# See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
# http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-C_V1-en.html
# OpenAlea WebSite : http://openalea.gforge.inria.fr
This module reads 3D tiff format
from __future__ import division
__license__ = "Cecill-C"
__revision__ = " $Id$ "
import numpy as np
from openalea.image.spatial_image import SpatialImage
__all__ = []
import decimal
import libtiff
from libtiff import TIFFfile
from libtiff.tiff_image import TIFFimage, TIFFentry
from libtiff import tif_lzw
from libtiff.utils import bytes2str, VERBOSE
import os, os.path, sys, time
__all__ += ["read_tif", "write_tif","mantissa"]
except ImportError, e :
[docs]def read_tif(filename,channel=0):
"""Read a tif image
- `filename` (str) - name of the file to read
# TIF reader
tif = libtiff.TIFF.open(filename)
if tif.GetField('ImageDescription'):
tif = TIFFfile(filename)
arr = tif.get_tiff_array()
_data = arr[:].T
info_str = tif.get_info()
i = 1
while not tif.LastDirectory():
_data = np.zeros((i,)+tif.read_image().shape,dtype=tif.read_image().dtype)
for ii,i in enumerate(tif.iter_images()):
_data[ii] = i
_data = _data.transpose(2, 1, 0)
info_str = tif.info()
nx, ny, nz = _data.shape
# -- prepare metadata dictionnary --
info_dict = dict( filter( lambda x: len(x)==2,
(inf.split(':') for inf in info_str.split("\n"))
) )
info_dict.update(dict( filter( lambda x: len(x)==2,(inf.split('=') for inf in info_str.split("\n"))) ))
for k,v in info_dict.iteritems():
info_dict[k] = v.strip()
print info_dict
# -- getting the voxelsizes from the tiff image: sometimes
# there is a BoundingBox attribute, sometimes there are
# XResolution, YResolution, ZResolution or spacing.
# the object returned by get_tiff_array has a "get_voxel_sizes()"
# method but it fails, so here we go. --
if "BoundingBox" in info_dict:
bbox = info_dict["BoundingBox"]
xm, xM, ym, yM, zm, zM = map(float,bbox.split())
_vx = (xM-xm)/nx
_vy = (yM-ym)/ny
_vz = (zM-zm)/nz
# -- When we have [XYZ]Resolution fields, it describes the
# number of voxels per real unit. In SpatialImage we want the
# voxelsizes, which is the number of real units per voxels.
# So we must invert the result. --
if "XResolution" in info_dict:
# --resolution is stored in a [(values, precision)] list-of-one-tuple, or
# sometimes as a single number --
xres_str = eval(info_dict["XResolution"])
if isinstance(xres_str, list) and isinstance(xres_str[0], tuple):
xres_str = xres_str[0]
_vx = float(xres_str[0])/xres_str[1]
elif isinstance(xres_str, (int, float)):
_vx = float(xres_str)
_vx = 1.
_vx = 1./_vx if _vx != 0 else 1.
_vx = 1.0 # dumb fallback, maybe we will find something smarter later on
if "YResolution" in info_dict:
# --resolution is stored in a [(values, precision)] list-of-one-tuple, or
# sometimes as a single number --
yres_str = eval(info_dict["YResolution"])
if isinstance(yres_str, list) and isinstance(yres_str[0], tuple):
yres_str = yres_str[0]
_vy = float(yres_str[0])/yres_str[1]
elif isinstance(yres_str, (int, float)):
_vy = float(yres_str)
_vy = 1.
_vy = 1./_vy if _vy != 0 else 1.
_vy = 1.0 # dumb fallback, maybe we will find something smarter later on
if "ZResolution" in info_dict:
# --resolution is stored in a [(values, precision)] list-of-one-tuple, or
# sometimes as a single number --
zres_str = eval(info_dict["ZResolution"])
if isinstance(zres_str, list) and isinstance(zres_str[0], tuple):
zres_str = zres_str[0]
_vz = float(zres_str[0])/zres_str[1]
elif isinstance(zres_str, (int, float)):
_vz = float(zres_str)
_vz = 1.
_vz = 1./_vz if _vz != 0 else 1.
if "spacing" in info_dict:
_vz = eval(info_dict["spacing"])
_vz = 1.0 # dumb fallback, maybe we will find something smarter later on
# -- dtypes are not really stored in a compatible way (">u2" instead of uint16)
# but we can convert those --
dt = np.dtype(_data.dtype.name)
# -- Return a SpatialImage please! --
im = SpatialImage(_data, dtype=dt)
im.resolution = _vx,_vy,_vz
im.info = info_dict
return im
[docs]def mantissa(value):
"""Convert value to [number, divisor] where divisor is power of 10"""
# -- surely not the nicest thing around --
d = decimal.Decimal(str(value)) # -- lovely...
sign, digits, exp = d.as_tuple()
n_digits = len(digits)
dividend = int(sum( v*(10**(n_digits-1-i)) for i, v in enumerate(digits) ) * \
(1 if sign == 0 else -1))
divisor = int(10**-exp)
return dividend, divisor
[docs]def write_tif(filename, obj):
if len(obj.shape) > 3:
raise IOError("Vectorial images are currently unsupported by tif writer")
obj = obj.T
image = TIFFimage(obj)
vsx, vsy, vsz = obj.resolution
extra_info = {"XResolution": vsx,
"YResolution": vsy,
#"ZResolution": str(vsz), # : no way to save the spacing (no specific tag)
print extra_info
return pylibtiff_write_file(image, filename, info=extra_info)
#return image.write_file(filename, compression='lzw')
def pylibtiff_write_file(tif, filename, compression="none",
strip_size = 2**13, planar_config = 1,
validate = False, verbose = None,
info = {}):
"""Write image data to TIFF file.
This function is actually a reimplementation of pylibtiff.tiff_image.TIFFImage.write_image
so that I can pass extra header information. Thanks to the pylibtiff developers.
filename : str
compression : {'none', 'lzw'}
strip_size : int
Specify the size of uncompressed strip.
validate : bool
When True then check compression by decompression.
verbose : {bool, None}
When True then write progress information to stdout. When None
then verbose is assumed for data that has size over 1MB.
compression : float
Compression factor.
if verbose is None:
nbytes = tif.depth*tif.length*tif.width*tif.dtype.itemsize
verbose = nbytes >= 1024**2
if os.path.splitext (filename)[1].lower () not in ['.tif', '.tiff']:
filename = filename + '.tif'
if verbose:
sys.stdout.write('Writing TIFF records to %s\n' % (filename))
compression_map = dict(packbits=32773, none=1, lzw=5, jpeg=6, ccitt1d=2,
group3fax = 3, group4fax = 4
compress_map = dict(none=lambda data: data,
lzw = tif_lzw.encode)
decompress_map = dict(none=lambda data, bytes: data,
lzw = tif_lzw.decode)
compress = compress_map.get(compression or 'none', None)
if compress is None:
raise NotImplementedError (`compression`)
decompress = decompress_map.get(compression or 'none', None)
# compute tif file size and create image file directories data
image_directories = []
total_size = 8
data_size = 0
image_data_size = 0
for i,image in enumerate(tif.data):
if verbose:
sys.stdout.write('\r creating records: %5s%% done ' % (int(100.0*i/len(tif.data))))
sys.stdout.flush ()
if image.dtype.kind=='V' and len(image.dtype.names)==3: # RGB image
sample_format = dict(u=1,i=2,f=3,c=6).get(image.dtype.fields[image.dtype.names[0]][0].kind)
bits_per_sample = [image.dtype.fields[f][0].itemsize*8 for f in image.dtype.names]
samples_per_pixel = 3
photometric_interpretation = 2
else: # gray scale image
sample_format = dict(u=1,i=2,f=3,c=6).get(image.dtype.kind)
bits_per_sample = image.dtype.itemsize * 8
samples_per_pixel = 1
photometric_interpretation = 1
if sample_format is None:
print 'Warning(TIFFimage.write_file): unknown data kind %r, mapping to void' % (image.dtype.kind)
sample_format = 4
length, width = image.shape
bytes_per_row = width * image.dtype.itemsize
rows_per_strip = min(length, int(np.ceil(strip_size / bytes_per_row)))
strips_per_image = int(np.floor((length + rows_per_strip - 1) / rows_per_strip))
assert bytes_per_row * rows_per_strip * strips_per_image >= image.nbytes
d = dict(ImageWidth=width,
Compression=compression_map.get(compression, 1),
ResolutionUnit = 1,
XResolution = 1,
YResolution = 1,
SamplesPerPixel = samples_per_pixel,
RowsPerStrip = rows_per_strip,
BitsPerSample = bits_per_sample,
SampleFormat = sample_format,
if i==0:
ImageDescription = tif.description,
Software = 'http://code.google.com/p/pylibtiff/'))
entries = []
for tagname, value in d.items ():
entry = TIFFentry(tagname)
total_size += 12 + entry.nbytes
data_size += entry.nbytes
strip_byte_counts = TIFFentry('StripByteCounts')
strip_offsets = TIFFentry('StripOffsets')
# strip_offsets and strip_byte_counts will be filled in the next loop
if strips_per_image==1:
assert strip_byte_counts.type_nbytes <= 4
assert strip_offsets.type_nbytes <= 4
total_size += 2*12
total_size += 2*12 + strips_per_image*(strip_byte_counts.type_nbytes + strip_offsets.type_nbytes)
data_size += strips_per_image * (strip_byte_counts.type_nbytes + strip_offsets.type_nbytes)
# image data:
total_size += image.nbytes
data_size += image.nbytes
image_data_size += image.nbytes
# records for nof IFD entries and offset to the next IFD:
total_size += 2 + 4
# entries must be sorted by tag number
entries.sort(cmp=lambda x,y: cmp(x.tag, y.tag))
strip_info = strip_offsets, strip_byte_counts, strips_per_image, rows_per_strip, bytes_per_row
image_directories.append((entries, strip_info, image))
tif = np.memmap(filename, dtype=np.ubyte, mode='w+', shape=(total_size,))
def tif_write(tif, offset, data, tifs=[]):
end = offset + data.nbytes
if end > tif.size:
size_incr = int((end - tif.size)/1024**2 + 1)*1024**2
new_size = tif.size + size_incr
assert end <= new_size, `end, tif.size, size_incr, new_size`
#sys.stdout.write('resizing: %s -> %s\n' % (tif.size, new_size))
#tif.resize(end, refcheck=False)
new_tif = np.ndarray.__new__(np.memmap, (tif._mmap.size(), ),
dtype = tif.dtype, buffer=tif._mmap)
new_tif._parent = tif
tif = new_tif
tif[offset:end] = data
return tif
# write TIFF header
tif[:2].view(dtype=np.uint16)[0] = 0x4949 # low-endian
tif[2:4].view (dtype=np.uint16)[0] = 42 # magic number
tif[4:8].view (dtype=np.uint32)[0] = 8 # offset to the first IFD
offset = 8
data_offset = total_size - data_size
image_data_offset = total_size - image_data_size
first_data_offset = data_offset
first_image_data_offset = image_data_offset
start_time = time.time ()
compressed_data_size = 0
for i, (entries, strip_info, image) in enumerate(image_directories):
strip_offsets, strip_byte_counts, strips_per_image, rows_per_strip, bytes_per_row = strip_info
# write the nof IFD entries
tif[offset:offset+2].view(dtype=np.uint16)[0] = len(entries)
offset += 2
assert offset <= first_data_offset,`offset, first_data_offset`
# write image data
data = image.view(dtype=np.ubyte).reshape((image.nbytes,))
for j in range(strips_per_image):
c = rows_per_strip * bytes_per_row
k = j * c
c -= max((j+1) * c - image.nbytes, 0)
assert c>0,`c`
orig_strip = data[k:k+c]
strip = compress(orig_strip)
if validate:
test_strip = decompress(strip, orig_strip.nbytes)
if (orig_strip!=test_strip).any():
raise RuntimeError('Compressed data is corrupted: cannot recover original data')
compressed_data_size += strip.nbytes
#print strip.size, strip.nbytes, strip.shape, tif[image_data_offset:image_data_offset+strip.nbytes].shape
tif = tif_write(tif, image_data_offset, strip)
image_data_offset += strip.nbytes
if j==0:
first = strip_offsets[0]
last = strip_offsets[-1] + strip_byte_counts[-1]
# write IFD entries
for entry in entries:
data_size = entry.nbytes
if data_size:
assert data_offset+data_size <= total_size, `data_offset+data_size,total_size`
r = entry.toarray(tif[data_offset:data_offset + data_size])
assert r.nbytes==data_size
data_offset += data_size
assert data_offset <= first_image_data_offset,`data_offset, first_image_data_offset, i`
tif[offset:offset+12] = entry.record
offset += 12
assert offset <= first_data_offset,`offset, first_data_offset, i`
# write offset to the next IFD
tif[offset:offset+4].view(dtype=np.uint32)[0] = offset + 4
offset += 4
assert offset <= first_data_offset,`offset, first_data_offset`
if verbose:
sys.stdout.write('\r filling records: %5s%% done (%s/s)%s' \
% (int(100.0*(i+1)/len(image_directories)),
bytes2str(int((image_data_offset-first_image_data_offset)/(time.time ()-start_time))),
' '*2))
if (i+1)==len (image_directories):
sys.stdout.write ('\n')
sys.stdout.flush ()
# last offset must be 0
tif[offset-4:offset].view(dtype=np.uint32)[0] = 0
compression = 1/(compressed_data_size/image_data_size)
if compressed_data_size != image_data_size:
sdiff = image_data_size - compressed_data_size
total_size -= sdiff
if verbose:
sys.stdout.write(' resized records: %s -> %s (compression: %.2fx)\n' \
% (bytes2str(total_size + sdiff), bytes2str(total_size),
sys.stdout.flush ()
del tif # flushing
return compression