Source code for oalab_postinstall

# Postinstall scripts
__license__ = "Cecill-C"
__revision__ = " $Id: $"

[docs]def install(): from openalea.deploy.shortcut import create_win_shortcut from openalea.deploy import get_base_dir import sys from os.path import join as pj from openalea.oalab.project.symlink import create_project_shortcut create_project_shortcut() # Get the location of the installed egg base_dir = get_base_dir('openalea.oalab') share_dir = pj(base_dir, 'share') winexe = sys.executable winexe = winexe.replace('python.exe', 'pythonw.exe') prefix = base_dir.lower().split("lib")[0] create_win_shortcut(name='OALab', target=winexe, arguments='"' + pj(sys.prefix, 'Scripts', 'oalab-script.pyw') + '"', startin="", icon=pj(share_dir, 'openalea_icon.ico'), description="OpenAleaLab", menugroup="OpenAlea")
[docs]def uninstall(): pass
if __name__ == '__main__': install()