Source code for openalea.oalab.drag_and_drop

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -*- python -*-
#       OpenAlea.OALab: Multi-Paradigm GUI
#       Copyright 2015 INRIA - CIRAD - INRA
#       File author(s): Guillaume Baty <>
#       File contributor(s):
#       Distributed under the Cecill-C License.
#       See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#       OpenAlea WebSite :
This module define classes to manage drag and drop in a universal way: approach is the same for all widgets.
It provides 2 main classes:

DragHandler: knows how to transform python object to QMimeData and be able to create a drag action
DropHandler: knows how to convert a QMimeData to a python object compatible with widget
DropSelector*: Widgets used if more than one drop type are available. Allow user to choose which drop type to use.

import itertools

from openalea.core.customexception import CustomException
from openalea.oalab.mimedata import MimeCodecManager
from openalea.oalab.utils import ModalDialog, make_error_dialog
from openalea.vpltk.qt import QtGui, QtCore

from openalea.oalab.service.mimedata import (possible_conv, compatible_mime,
                                             decode_function, decode_plugin,
                                             qtencode, qtdecode, quick_check)

[docs]def encode_to_qmimedata(data, mimetype): _possible_conv = possible_conv(data, mimetype) qmimedata = QtCore.QMimeData() if mimetype in _possible_conv: for mimetype_in, mimetype_out in _possible_conv[mimetype]: qmimedata = qtencode(data, qmimedata, mimetype_in, mimetype_out) return qmimedata
[docs]class DropSelectorWidget(QtGui.QWidget): def __init__(self, lst, labels=None): QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self) if labels is None: labels = {} self._layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self) self._cb = QtGui.QComboBox() self._lst = lst for i, mimetype in enumerate(self._lst): self._cb.addItem(labels.get(mimetype, mimetype)) self._layout.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel("Drop as ...")) self._layout.addWidget(self._cb)
[docs] def mimetype(self): return self._lst[self._cb.currentIndex()]
[docs]class DropSelectorMenu(QtGui.QMenu): def __init__(self, lst, labels=None, tooltip=None): QtGui.QMenu.__init__(self) if labels is None: labels = {} if tooltip is None: tooltip = {} self._mimetype = None self._action = {} lst.sort() for mimetype in sorted(lst): label = labels.get(mimetype, mimetype) action = QtGui.QAction(label, self) tt = '%s (%s)' % (label, mimetype) action.setToolTip(tt) action.triggered.connect(self._triggered) self._action[action] = mimetype self.addAction(action) def _triggered(self): action = self.sender() self._mimetype = self._action[action]
[docs] def mimetype(self): return self._mimetype
[docs]class DragHandler(object): def __init__(self, widget, **kwds): self.widget = widget self._kwds = kwds self._drag_format = [] self._drag_kwds = {} if isinstance(widget, QtGui.QStandardItemModel): self.mimeTypes = self.mime_types
[docs] def mime_types(self): return self._drag_format
[docs] def add_drag_format(self, mimetype_out, **kwds): self._drag_format.append(mimetype_out) self._drag_kwds[mimetype_out] = kwds
[docs]class DropHandler(object): """ Adapt widget to support OpenAleaLab drag and drop. """ def __init__(self, widget, **kwds): self.widget = widget self._kwds = kwds self._drop_callbacks = {} self._drop_kwds = {} self._compatible = None # Drop part self.widget.setAcceptDrops(True) if isinstance(widget, (QtGui.QPlainTextEdit, QtGui.QTextEdit)): self.widget.canInsertFromMimeData = self.can_insert_from_mime_data self.widget.insertFromMimeData = self.insert_from_mime_data else: self.widget.dragEnterEvent = self.drag_enter_event self.widget.dropEvent = self.drop_event self.widget.dragLeaveEvent = self.drag_leave_event
[docs] def add_drop_callback(self, mimetype_out, callback, **kwds): self._drop_kwds[mimetype_out] = kwds self._drop_callbacks[mimetype_out] = callback conv = decode_function(mimetype_out) if conv and conv not in self._drop_callbacks: self.add_drop_callback(conv, callback, **kwds)
[docs] def insert_from_mime_data(self, source): cursor = self.widget.textCursor() rect = self.widget.cursorRect() pos = self.widget.viewport().mapToGlobal( possible_conv, selected = self._drop(source, pos=pos) # If not explicitly defined, use widget default drag and drop if not possible_conv: self._compatible = None return super(self.widget.__class__, self.widget).insertFromMimeData(source) for mimetype_in, mimetype_out in possible_conv[selected]: try: data, kwds = qtdecode(source, mimetype_in, mimetype_out) except CustomException as e: make_error_dialog(e) else: kwds['mimedata'] = source kwds['cursor'] = cursor self._drop_callbacks[selected](data, **kwds) self._compatible = None
def _compatible_mime(self, mimetype_in_list): return compatible_mime(mimetype_in_list, self._drop_callbacks.keys())
[docs] def can_insert_from_mime_data(self, source): default = super(self.widget.__class__, self.widget).canInsertFromMimeData(source) self._compatible = self._compatible_mime(source.formats()) return bool(self._compatible) or default
[docs] def drag_enter_event(self, event): mimedata = event.mimeData() self._compatible = self._compatible_mime(mimedata.formats()) if self._compatible: event.acceptProposedAction() return super(self.widget.__class__, self.widget).dragEnterEvent(event) else: return super(self.widget.__class__, self.widget).dragEnterEvent(event)
[docs] def drag_leave_event(self, event): self._compatible = None return super(self.widget.__class__, self.widget).dragLeaveEvent(event)
[docs] def drag_move_event(self, event): if self._compatible: event.acceptProposedAction() else: return super(self.widget.__class__, self.widget).dragMoveEvent(event)
def _labels(self, possible_conv): labels = {} for all_conv in possible_conv.values(): for conv in all_conv: plugin = decode_plugin(conv) if hasattr(plugin, 'mimetype_desc'): for mimetype, desc in plugin.mimetype_desc.items(): if 'title' in desc: labels[mimetype] = desc['title'] return labels def _drop(self, mimedata, pos=None): # Check all conversion available # Use quick_check method to check more than mimetype # For example, a "text/uri-list" mimetype is a valid mimetype for an image reader # but ... if corresponding file is not an image, quick_check should return False. # In this case, we do not add conversion to compatible list. possible_conv = {} if not self._compatible: return {}, None for k, g in itertools.groupby(self._compatible, lambda data: data[1]): conv = [] for mimetype_in, mimetype_out in list(g): ok = quick_check(mimedata, mimetype_in, mimetype_out) if ok: conv.append((mimetype_in, mimetype_out)) if conv: possible_conv[k] = conv nb_choice = len(possible_conv.keys()) if nb_choice == 0: return None, None elif nb_choice == 1: selected = possible_conv.keys()[0] else: keys = sorted(possible_conv.keys()) labels = self._labels(possible_conv) #for k:'%s (%s)' % (self._drop_kwds[k]['title'], k) for k in keys} selector = DropSelectorMenu(keys, labels) if selector.exec_(pos): selected = selector.mimetype() else: return None, None return possible_conv, selected
[docs] def drop_event(self, event): mimedata = event.mimeData() pos = self.widget.mapToGlobal(event.pos()) possible_conv, selected = self._drop(mimedata, pos) if possible_conv is None: self._compatible = None for mimetype_in, mimetype_out in possible_conv[selected]: try: data, kwds = qtdecode(mimedata, mimetype_in, mimetype_out) kwds['mimedata'] = mimedata self._drop_callbacks[selected](data, **kwds) except CustomException as e: make_error_dialog(e) else: event.acceptProposedAction() return QtGui.QWidget.dropEvent(self.widget, event) self._compatible = None