Source code for openalea.oalab.main

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -*- python -*-
#       OpenAlea.OALab: Multi-Paradigm GUI
#       Copyright 2014 INRIA - CIRAD - INRA
#       File author(s): Guillaume Baty <>
#       File contributor(s):
#       Distributed under the Cecill-C License.
#       See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#       OpenAlea WebSite :

import sys

from openalea.core.service.plugin import debug_plugin, plugins
from openalea.oalab.cli.parser import CommandLineParser

[docs]def launch_lab(plugin_class): from openalea.oalab.widget.splittablewindow import OALabMainWin from openalea.core.settings import get_openalea_home_dir from openalea.core.path import path as Path from openalea.core.service.introspection import label from openalea.oalab.utils import qicon plugin = plugin_class() lab_class = plugin() layout_path = Path(get_openalea_home_dir()) / '%s.oaui' % OALabMainWin.DEFAULT_LAYOUT_PATH = layout_path OALabMainWin.DEFAULT_LAYOUT = lab_class.layout OALabMainWin.DEFAULT_MENU_NAMES = lab_class.menu_names OALabMainWin.LAB = lab_class if hasattr(lab_class, "start"): lab_class.start() win = OALabMainWin(lab=lab_class, autosave=True) win.setWindowIcon(qicon(lab_class.icon)) if hasattr(lab_class, 'connect_applet'): win.appletSet.connect(lab_class.connect_applet) win.emit_applet_set() win.initialize() if hasattr(lab_class, "initialize"): lab_class.initialize() win.setWindowTitle('OpenAleaLab "%s"' % label(plugin)) win.showMaximized() win.raise_() return win
[docs]def main(): """ 1. Parse command line arguments. 2. If GUI enabled (session.gui), launch QApplication 3. Search an extension in "oalab.extension" plugins. - If found, launch extension - If not found, quit application and shows available extensions """ class Session(object): pass session = Session() cli = CommandLineParser(session=session) cli.parse() if session.gui: from openalea.vpltk.qt import QtGui from openalea.core.settings import get_openalea_home_dir from openalea.core.path import path as Path app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) win = None # Run all extension matching session.extension available_extensions = [] for plugin in plugins('oalab.lab'): plugin_class = plugin.__class__ try: ext = except AttributeError: continue else: # register plugin info for user. args = dict(EXT=ext, MODULE=plugin_class.__module__, CLASS=plugin_class.__name__) text = ' - \033[94m%(EXT)s\033[0m (provided by class %(CLASS)s defined in %(MODULE)s)' % args available_extensions.append(text) if session.extension == ext: win = launch_lab(plugin_class) break if win is None: from openalea.oalab.manager.selector import select_manager_item from openalea.core.service.plugin import default_plugin_manager from openalea.oalab.widget.pages import WelcomePage plugin_class = select_manager_item(default_plugin_manager(), 'oalab.lab', title='Select a Laboratory', style=WelcomePage.STYLE_LARGE) if plugin_class: win = launch_lab(plugin_class) if win: app.exec_() else: print 'Extension %r not found' % session.extension print 'Please choose a valid \033[94mextension\033[0m:' print '\n'.join(available_extensions)
if(__name__ == "__main__"): main()