Source code for openalea.oalab.service.geometry

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""" Service that implements adaptation from a Python object to a 3D shape model.

Currently, the service convert object to PlantGL shapes.

from import WorldObject

__all__ = ['to_shape3d', 'register_shape3d']

def find_plugins(plugin_name='oalab.service.to_shape3d', debug=False):
    """ Find plugins defined as entry points.

    A Plugin return a registry of adapters.
    A registry is a mapping between a type or a tuple of types and a functor returning a
    3D model.
    register = {}
    from openalea.core.plugin import iter_plugins
    for plugin in iter_plugins(plugin_name, debug=debug):
    return register

__registry = find_plugins()

[docs]def register_shape3d(type_or_types, functor): __registry[type_or_types] = functor
[docs]def to_shape3d(obj): import openalea.plantgl.all as pgl import collections if isinstance(obj, (pgl.Scene, pgl.Shape, pgl.Geometry)): return obj if issubclass(type(obj), collections.Sequence): try: result = pgl.Scene(obj) return result except Exception, e: pass # Case _repr_geom_ if hasattr(obj, "_repr_geom_"): return to_shape3d(obj._repr_geom_()) if isinstance(obj, WorldObject): return to_shape3d( for types, function in __registry.iteritems(): if isinstance(obj, types): return to_shape3d(function(obj))
del find_plugins