
This file is not complete. Only appears authors added manually by community or author themselves. So, other authors, not in this list, may have contribute to this code. Please have look to README, AUTHORS, ABOUT files, source code files and other official documents to have a reliable information about authors.


If your are a contributor and do not appear in this list or information are wrong, please fix it or send a message to ask to fix it.

If you have contributed in openalea one day and want to be cited, please fill your information here

fname = {'name': u"First name Family name", additional fields}

fname: first letter of your first name + first fullname If you have multiple first name: use one letter for each name. Example: Jean-Philippe -> jp If you have multiple family names: use at least first family name and then as you want for additional names Ex: Dufour-Kowalski -> dufourko, dufour, dufourkowalski, ...

Additional fields:
  • email
  • employer
  • department
  • team
  • note

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