This module provide an implementation of a dataflow

exception core.dataflow.PortError[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

class core.dataflow.DataFlow[source]

Bases: openalea.core.graph.property_graph.PropertyGraph

Directed graph with connections between in_ports of vertices and out_port of vertices ports are typed


return actor associated to a given vertex

add_actor(actor, vid=None)[source]

create a vertex and the corresponding ports and associate it with the given actor return: vid

add_in_port(vid, local_pid, pid=None)[source]

add a new in port to vertex pid using local_pid use pid as global port id if specified or create a new one if None raise an error if pid is already used

Returns:pid used
Return type:pid
add_out_port(vid, local_pid, pid=None)[source]

add a new out port to vertex pid using local_pid use pid as global port id if specified or create a new one if None raise an error if pid is already used

Returns:pid used
Return type:pid

add a vertex to the graph, if vid is not provided create a new vid

Parameters:vid (vid) -- the id of the vertex to add, default=None
Returns:the id of the created vertex
Return type:vid

remove all vertices and edges don't change references to objects

connect(source_pid, target_pid, eid=None)[source]

connect the out port source_pid with the in_port target_pid use eid if not None or create a new one raise an error if eid is already used

Returns:eid used
Return type:eid

iterate on all edges connected to this port :rtype: iter of eid


iterate on all ports connected to this port :rtype: iter of pid


Return an iterator of vextex id corresponding to all the parent node of vid

in_port(vid, local_pid)[source]

global port id of a given port :rtype: pid


iter on all in ports of a given vertex iter on all in ports of the dataflow if vid is None

Return type:iter of pid

test whether port refered by pid is an in port of its vertex :rtype: bool


test whether port refered by pid is an out port of its vertex :rtype: bool


local port identifier of a given port specified by its global pid


Compute number of edges connected to a given port.

  • pid (pid): id of port
  • int
out_port(vid, local_pid)[source]

global port id of a given port :rtype: pid


iter on all out ports of a given vertex iter on all out ports of the dataflow if vid is None

Parameters:vid -- todo
Return type:iter of pid

port object specified by its global pid


iter on all ports of a given vertex iter on all ports of the dataflow if vid is None

Return type:iter of pid

remove the specified port and all connections to this port


remove a specified vertex of the graph remove all the edges attached to it

Parameters:vid (vid) -- the id of the vertex to remove
set_actor(vid, actor)[source]

associate an actor to a given vertex


out port of the source vertex of the edge

Parameters:eid -- todo
Return type:pid

in port of the target vertex of the edge

Parameters:eid -- todo
Return type:pid

return the id of the vertex which own the port :rtype: vid

class core.dataflow.Port(vid, local_pid, is_out_port)[source]

Bases: object

simple structure to maintain some port property a port is an entry point to a vertex

class core.dataflow.SubDataflow(dataflow, algo, node_id, port_index)[source]

Bases: object

Represents a part of a dataflow for a partial evaluation A SubDataflow is a callable and absracts a part of a dataflow as a funtion

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