This module import functions for Geometric Transformation Filters

image.interpolation.interpolation.resampling(img, transformation, order=1, output_shape=None, output_voxels=None, mode='constant', cval=0.0, prefilter=True)[source]ΒΆ

It resamples a 2-D or 3-D image using a 4*4 transformation matrix or a deformation field .

The value of a point in the result image is determined by spline interpolation of the requested order.

  • img
  • transformation (array) - Matrix 4x4 or deformation field
  • order (int) - optional

order corresponds to the degree of a polynomial used to the spline interpolation By default, order = 1 (linear interpolation)

  • output_shape (tuple) - optional

The output shape can optionally be given. By default, it is equal to the input shape

  • output_type (tuple) - optional

The output data type can optionally be given. By default, it is equal to the input data type

  • output_voxels (tuple) - optional

The output voxels size can optionally be given. By default, it is equal to the input voxels size

  • mode (string) - optional

Points outside the boundaries of the input are filled according to the given mode ("constant", "nearest", "reflect" or "wrap") By default, the given mode is "constant"

  • prefilter (boolean) - optional

The parameter prefilter determines if the input is pre-filtered before interpolation (necessary for spline interpolation of order > 1) If False it is assumed that the input is already filtered

Returns Type:image resampled by the transformation

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