Bases: openalea.oalab.plugin.oalab.mimedata.IQMimeEncoder, openalea.oalab.plugin.oalab.mimedata.IQMimeDecoder
Bases: openalea.core.interface.IInterface
An encoder should define: 1 TYPE -> n out mimetype
Bases: openalea.core.interface.IInterface
Convert a QMimeData to a python object
A decoder should define: 1 TYPE -> n out mimetype
Proceed to a quick check: return True if mimedata can be decoded to mimetype_out else return False
For example, a Decoder "text/uri-list -> openalea/interface.IImage" can create an array by reading path content if path is an image file. But if path is not image, user do not want to see it. In this case, quick_check can just check file extension, if extension is a valid image extension (.jpg, .png, ...) quick_check return True, else False