Source code for core.factory_parser

# -*- python -*-
#       OpenAlea.Core
#       Copyright 2006-2009 INRIA - CIRAD - INRA
#       File author(s): Julien Diener  <>
#                       Julien Coste   <>
#                       Guillaume baty <>
#       Distributed under the Cecill-C License.
#       See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#       OpenAlea WebSite :
Automatical extraction of openalea factories for python modules and packages  

TODO: bad name. The module is not parsed but imported.
  - remove all ##
  - parse package (hierarchically)a. REVIEW: Replace parse by traverse.
import sys
from openalea.core.package   import DynamicPackage
from openalea.core.node      import Factory
from openalea.core.signature import Signature

[docs]def parse_module(module, module_dir=None): """ Create an openalea package from a python module :Inputs:: `module`: - either a python module - or the *full* name of the module to parse (e.g. 'pkg.sub_pkg.module') `module_dir`: Base directory of `module` if it is not in the python path. """ if isinstance(module,type(sys)): module_name = module.__name__ else: module_name = module module = import_module(module_name, [module_dir] if module_dir else []) info = dict() info['editable'] = getattr(module, '__editable__', True) info['icon'] = getattr(module, '__icon__', '') info['license'] = getattr(module, '__license__', 'not licensed') info['version'] = getattr(module, '__version__', '0.1.0') info['authors'] = getattr(module, '__authors__', '') info['institutes'] = getattr(module, '__institutes__', '') info['url'] = getattr(module, '__url__', '') info['doc'] = getattr(module, '__doc__') info['description'] = getattr(module, '__description__', '') info['publication'] = getattr(module, '__publication__', '') pkg = DynamicPackage(name=module_name,metainfo=info) for fct in getattr(module, '__factories__', []): add_factory(pkg,fct) return pkg
[docs]def add_factory(pkg, fct, base_dir=None): """ Add a (Node) Factory for function `fct` into package `pkg` If function does not contain suitable meta_info, try to take it from `pkg_info` """ s = Signature(fct) base_dir = [base_dir] if base_dir else None fac = Factory(, description=s.get_doc(), inputs=s.parameters, outputs=None, nodemodule=fct.__module__,, search_path=base_dir, authors=pkg.metainfo.get('authors',None)) ##, category='', widgetmodule=None, widgetclass=None, **kargs pkg[] = fac
[docs]def import_module(module_name, search_path=[]): """ load `module_name` :Inputs: - `module_name` string with the name of the module as it is given to import (i.e. containing package dependancies separated by '.') - `search_path` Additional search directories, given as a list of string, to look for `module_name` (and its parent package) if it is in not in `sys.path`. """ if len(search_path)>0: syspath = sys.path sys.path = search_path + sys.path module = __import__(module_name,globals(),{}, [''], -1) if len(search_path)>0: sys.path = syspath return module