Automatical extraction of openalea factories for python modules and packages

TODO: bad name. The module is not parsed but imported.

core.factory_parser.add_factory(pkg, fct, base_dir=None)[source]

Add a (Node) Factory for function fct into package pkg

If function does not contain suitable meta_info, try to take it from pkg_info

core.factory_parser.import_module(module_name, search_path=[])[source]

load module_name

  • module_name

    string with the name of the module as it is given to import (i.e. containing package dependancies separated by '.')

  • search_path

    Additional search directories, given as a list of string, to look for module_name (and its parent package) if it is in not in sys.path.

core.factory_parser.parse_module(module, module_dir=None)[source]

Create an openalea package from a python module

  • either a python module
  • or the full name of the module to parse (e.g. 'pkg.sub_pkg.module')
Base directory of module if it is not in the python path.

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